DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

36.2 Common Shortcuts

Basic Editing  
Ctrl + Alt + = Toggle Editor Emulation Mode. For example, you can choose to switch between eclipse and emacs editors.
Ctrl + M Maximize or un-maximize editor.
Ctrl + S Save current file.
Ctrl + Shift + S Save all files.
Ctrl + W Close current file.
Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z Undo / Redo.
Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V Copy / Cut / Paste.
Insert Switch between insert and overwrite mode.
Ctrl + D Delete current line.
Alt + Arrow Up / Alt + Arrow Down Move current line or selection up / down.
Ctrl + / Comment / uncomment lines.
Ctrl + Shift + X / Ctrl + Shift + Y Change selection to all upper / lower case.
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up Incrementally expand selection to word / enclosing brackets / line / enclosing scope.
Alt + Shift + Arrow Down Restore selection to the previous state after a Alt + Shift + Arrow Up expansion.
Ctrl + Shift + A Toggle block selection.
Shift + Alt + O Toggle Mark Occurrences. Cursor must be on the identifier.
Smart Editing  
Ctrl + Shift + F Format source file or selection.
Ctrl + Space Autocomplete.
Ctrl + 1 Open the list of available Quick Fix / Quick Assist proposals. Cursor must be on the error line / in an appropriate scope.
Shift + Alt + R Start rename refactoring operation. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + Shift + = Expand macro with all levels inline. Cursor must be on the macro call.
Ctrl + = Collapse inline expansion of macro. Cursor must be on the @DVT_EXPAND_MACRO_INLINE_START pragma.
Basic Navigation  
Ctrl + E Show list of open editors - use arrow keys and press Enter to switch.
Ctrl + F6 / Ctrl + Shift + F6 Show list of open editors - similar to Ctrl + E, but switches immediately after release of Ctrl.
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up Switch to next/previous editor tab.
Alt + Arrow Left / Alt + Arrow Right Go to previous/next editor in the navigation order (similar with a browser).
Ctrl + Q Go to last edited location.
Ctrl + L Open the Go to Line dialog. Use it to quickly jump to a line in the current file.
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left Jump one word to the right / left.
Ctrl + Shift + P Go to matching bracket. Cursor must be on the bracket to match.
Ctrl + K / Ctrl + Shift + K Jump to the next/prev match of the selected word in file.
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog. Use it to find some text in the current file. If you select something, it will automatically fill the query.
Ctrl + Shift + R Show the Open Resource dialog to locate and open any file - see also Ctrl + I Quick Compile Order.
Smart Navigation  
Ctrl + mouse over identifier Hyperlink to declaration, implementation, show usages, jump to assignment, ….
F2 Show tooltip. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + Shift + Space Show positional tooltip – cursor on argument/port connection to see corresponding method parameter/port definition.
F3 Jump to declaration. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + F3 Open the hyperlink actions menu. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + Shift + G Find references in workspace. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + Shift + M Find references in file. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + H Open Search dialog to search across project for plain text or specific elements like types, methods, variables….
Ctrl + . / Ctrl + , Comment current line or selection.Jump to next / jump to previous compiler syntax warning or error in the editor.
Ctrl + I Open the Quick Compile Order View dialog. Use it to quickly open a file.
Ctrl + O Open the Quick Outline View dialog. Use it to quickly move around in large files.
Ctrl + Shift + T Open the Quick Types View dialog. Use it to quickly open a specific type definition.
Ctrl + Shift + D Open the Quick Macros View dialog. Use it to quickly jump to a macro definition.
Ctrl + T Open the Quick Type Hierarchy View dialog. You can quickly see inheritance tree for a class, function etc. For methods, tasks etc. you also see the implementations along the hierarchy (icons are not grayed). Cursor must be on the entity name.
Ctrl + Shift + O Open the Quick Layers View. Cursor must be on the entity name. Use it to quickly locate and jump to an extension.
F4 Open and update the Type Hierarchy View to see the inheritance tree and members of a struct. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Shift + F3 Open the Layers View to see all externsions/external implementations. Cursor must be on the entity name.
Shift + F6 Open and update the Verification Hierarchy View to see the UVM instances structure. Cursor must be on the UVM registered class.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Open the UVM Sequence Tree View to see the call tree of a selected sequence. Cursor must be on the sequence name.
Ctrl + Shift + L Show all shortcuts.
F5 Refresh.
Shift + Alt + P Copy full path of file. The file may be selected in a view or open in an editor.
Ctrl + U Open the Quick Run dialog. Use it to select a Run Configuration to launch.
Ctrl + 3 Brings up the Quick Access dialog - UI elements such as commands, views, wizards, preference pages etc. can be accessed directly by typing their name.
Ctrl + Shift + H Open Help Search.
Alt + R + T + <Configuration number> With this shortcut you can quickly access a Run Configuration from Run > Run History. Firstly, Alt + R will open the Run menu, then type T to open Run History and then type the number of the Configuration from that list.
Ctrl + Alt + R Rebuild Project.