DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

28.1.5 DVT Generic Run Configuration Variables

The following variables are available when you configure a run configuration. These variables are automatically expanded each time the run configuration is launched.

DVT variables

Name Description
${selected_resources_loc}Absolute file system path of the selected resources separated by system file separator character. You can pass as argument a string to be used as separator.
${selected_resources_path}Workspace relative path of the selected resources separated by system file separator character. You can pass as argument a string to be used as separator.
${selected_resources_name}The name of the selected resources separated by system file separator character. You can pass as argument a string to be used as separator.
${selected_resource_line}The line of the cursor from the selected resource.
${dvt_current_build_file}Absolute path to the current DVT build file
${dvt_cli}Expands to the full DVT CLI path, using as the workspace option the current workspace: $DVT_HOME/bin/dvt_cli.sh -workspace ${workspace_loc}
${dvt_sim_compile_file_list}List of files compiled by DVT, in compilation dependency order, including library and compile syntax information (VHDL only). Each line in the variable expansion has the format: <library> <langauage_syntax> <file_full_path>. If a file path is provided as an argument to this variable, all the files required for the compilation of the provided file are listed (including itself). If in addition "comp_deps" is provided as first argument, the entities instantiated through components will also be considered a compilation dependency

Eclipse variables

Name Description
${workspace_loc}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to Eclipse's workspace directory
${workspace_loc:<resource path>}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the specified resource. The <resource path> is the full path of the resource relative to the workspace root. For example ${workspace_loc:/MyProject/MyFile.txt}. Note that the expanded result of this variable is not the same as ${workspace_loc}/MyProject/MyFile.txt if the project's contents directory for MyProject is outside the workspace directory.
${project_loc}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the currently selected resource's project or to the project being built if the external tool is run as part of a build.
${project_loc:<resource path>}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the specified resource's project. The <resource path> is the full path of the resource relative to the workspace root. For example ${workspace_loc:/MyProject/MyFile.txt}. Note that the expanded result of this variable is not the same as ${workspace_loc}/MyProject if the project's contents directory for MyProject is outside the workspace directory.
${container_loc}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the currently selected resource's parent (either a folder or project).
${container_loc:<resource path>}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the specified resource's parent (either a folder or project). The <resource path> is the full path of the resource relative to the workspace root. For example:${workspace_loc:/MyProject/MyFolder/MyFile.txt}. Note that the expanded result of this variable is not the same as ${workspace_loc}/MyProject/MyFolder if the project's contents directory for MyProject is outside the workspace directory.
${resource_loc}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the currently selected resource.
${resource_loc:<resource path>}The absolute path on the system's hard drive to the specified resource. The <resource path> is the full path of the resource relative to the workspace root. For example ${workspace_loc:/MyProject/MyFile.txt}. Note that the expanded result of this variable is not the same as ${workspace_loc}/MyProject/MyFile.txt if the project's contents directory for MyProject is outside the workspace directory.
${project_path}The full path, relative to the workspace root, of the currently selected resource's project or of the project being built if the external tool is run as part of a build.
${container_path}The full path, relative to the workspace root, of the currently selected resource's parent (either a folder or project).
${resource_path}The full path, relative to the workspace root, of the currently selected resource.
${project_name}The name of the currently selected resource's project or of the project being built if the external tool is run as part of a build.
${container_name}The name of the currently selected resource's parent (either a folder or project).
${resource_name}The name of the currently selected resource.