DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

10.4.1 List of Buttons, Shortcuts and Commands

The view has a toolbar with the following buttons:

Show All Sessions / Show Last Chat Session

  • Go to the list of sessions and back.

Start a New Chat Session

  • Start an empty chat session.

Save Chat Session as Blueprint

  • Create a new blueprint with all the messages from this session.

The prompt has the following buttons:

Send (Ctrl + Enter or Shift + Enter)

  • Send the request to LLM.

Preview Message before Sending

  • Open an editor with the exact request that will be sent to the LLM.

  • @snippets and #symbols are expanded, warnings or errors might pop-up if expansion fails.

The sent User requests have the following buttons:

Save Message as Blueprint

  • Create a new blueprint with this user message.

Save Message as Snippet

  • Create a new snippet with this user message.

View Sent Message

  • Open an editor with the exact request that was sent to the LLM (@snippets and #symbols expanded).

Resend Message

  • Resend the same request with the snippets expanded in the current context (e.g when @selected code is present, using resend after selecting a new code section will send a different request to the LLM).

  • Branches the session into a new version from this message onward.

Edit and Resend Message

  • Edit and resend the message, snippets will be expanded in the current context (e.g when @selected code is present, using edit and resend after selecting a new code section will send a different request to the LLM).

  • Branches the session into a new version from this message onward.

Start a New Editor Session from Message

  • Start a new editor session with this message as a request.

  • Replaces the current editor selection with the reply. When there’s no selection the reply is inserted at cursor position.

  • Force the insert mode using Ctrl + click.

Previous / Next Requests

  • Navigate through session versions branched from this request.

The LLM replies have the following buttons:


  • Regenerate the reply with the same LLM.

  • Branches the session into a new version from this message onward.

Switch Language Model

  • Regenerate the reply with a different LLM.

  • Branches the session into a new version from this message onward.

Previous / Next Reply

  • Navigate through session versions branched from this reply.

Insert at Cursor

  • Insert the code block in the editor at cursor position.

  • Open a compare editor to preview the changes using Ctrl + click.

  • Button appears only on code blocks generated by LLM.

Copy to Clipboard

  • Copy the code block in the clipboard.

  • Button appears only on code blocks generated by LLM.