DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

35.1 Managed Settings

Not all settings are used in the same way. Some of the settings might be used only when the platform starts and others only when a specific operation is invoked.

The following list presents the type of settings, the file where they are stored by default and order of precedence:

  • Eclipse Launcher Configuration

    • file name: eclipse.ini

    • description: settings used by the Eclipse launcher (executable) to start the process, for example memory allocation thresholds

    • precedence:

      • dvt.sh arguments

      • user

      • common

      • $DVT_HOME/eclipse/eclipse.ini

    • handling: merged by precedence order; flags that have a key-value nature will be overwritten by the higher precedence value and all other flags will be accumulated

    • relevant settings:

      • memory allocation thresholds (-Xms, -Xmx, -Xss)

      • flags used by Eclipse

      • compiler exclude options

  • GTK RC File

    • file name: theme.gtkrc

    • description: settings used by GTK window manager under linux operating system to determine the window colors for buttons, text, etc.

    • precedence:

      • user

      • common

      • $HOME/.dvt.gtkrc

    • handling: replaced by precedence order; the file with higher precedence will be used

  • Workspace Preferences

    • file name: preferences.ini

    • description: any changes done through Window > Preferences dialog will be automatically reflected in the preferences.ini file at user level;

    • precedence:

      • user

      • common

    • handling: merged by precedence order; preferences will be overwritten by the higher precedence value

    • relevant settings:

      • key bindings

      • global code templates

      • editor customizations

      • task tags

  • DVT Generic Run Configurations

    • file name: *.launch

    • description: run configurations are used to run external programs and can be serialized in *.launch files

    • handling: accumulated from all opened projects (including user and common locations automatically linked in DVT-Settings project)

  • Verissimo Linter Configurations

    • file name: *.launch

    • description: linter configurations are used to set the linter configuration files (*_lint_ruleset.xml, *_lint_waivers.xml, *_lint_user_notes.xml, *_lint_manual_checks_status.xml) and can be serialized in *.launch files

    • handling: accumulated from all opened projects (including user and common locations automatically linked in DVT-Settings project)

  • Compile Waivers

    • file name: waivers.xml

    • description: used to change the severity (promote/demote) or disable the problems reported by DVT during compilation (see Compile Waivers)

    • precedence:

      • project

      • user

      • common

    • handling: accumulated from all levels in precedence order

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/waivers.xml

  • Content Filters

    • file name: content_filters.xml

    • description: used to eliminate the unnecessary clutter introduced by 3rd party libraries like UVM (automatically hiding their API, TODO reminders, problems, ...)

    • precedence:

      • project

      • user

      • common

    • handling: accumulated from all levels in precedence order

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/content_filters.xml

  • External Builders

    • file name: external_builders.xml

    • description: used to invoke any 3rd party script or tool and back-annotate its output (errors, warnings etc.) to the source code (see External Builders)

    • precedence: there can't be two configurations with the same name, if it happens there is no guarantee on the precedence order

    • handling: accumulated from all levels

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/external_builders.xml

  • Export HTML Documentation

    • file name: dvt_export_html.xml

    • description: settings used by the Export HTML Documentation Wizard (see Export HTML Documentation)

    • precedence:

      • project

      • user

      • common

    • handling: flags that have a key-value nature will be overwritten by the higher precedence value and all other flags will be accumulated

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/dvt_export_html.xml

  • Smart Log Styles

    • file name: log_styles.xml

    • description: Smart Log - Styles customization

    • precedence:

      • project

      • user

      • common

    • handling: accumulated from all levels in precedence order

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/log_styles.xml

  • Custom Pragmas

    • file name: custom_pragmas.xml

    • description: used to create Custom Pragmas

    • precedence:

      • project

      • user

      • common

    • handling: accumulated from all levels in precedence order

    • default location: <project>/.dvt/custom_pragmas.xml