DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

Chapter 39. Q & A

Table of Contents

39.1. I am new to Eclipse, where should I start from?
39.2. Where can I find DVT Help?
39.3. How do I see and configure the key shortcuts?
39.4. Are there any backup files in Eclipse?
39.5. Workspace in use, cannot launch eclipse...
39.6. Locking is not possible in the directory...
39.7. How to start DVT Eclipse with a different eclipse.ini
39.8. Save could not be completed
39.9. IBM Clearcase Plugin
39.10. How do I Access Files Outside Project Dir - Working with Linked Resources
39.11. Handling UNRECOGNIZED Macros
39.12. Mapping Linux to Windows (/proj/ to Z:\proj\)
39.13. How to use Working Sets for filtering Problems/Task/Search views?
39.14. Whitespace in macro definition
39.15. Subversive vs Subclipse
39.16. How do I associate a project with both DVT and CDT?
39.17. Can I use vi/vim along with DVT?
39.18. Can I perform dos2unix or unix2dos from DVT?
39.19. How can I configure Eclipse to use a local CVS repository?
39.20. I am using the Common Desktop Environment via Citrix and experiencing crashes. What can I do?
39.21. How do I change the background color of the Editor?
39.22. Some widget colors are not displayed properly. What can I do?
39.23. How do I change the tooltip colors?
39.24. How do I change Internet Proxy Settings?
39.25. Eclipse does not start, there is no Workspace, metadata or log file created
39.26. Workspace permissions
39.27. How do I link mylyn with Bugzilla?
39.28. How do I print source code?
39.29. How do I disable Eclipse Software Sites?
39.30. How do I revert to a previous version?
39.31. What are the most common shortcuts in DVT?
39.32. How do I run Specman using IntelliGen?
39.33. How does DVT integrate with emacs?
39.34. How does DVT integrate with CVS?
39.35. How to set an environment variable within a Run Configuration?
39.36. How to run a remote Unix command from DVT Eclipse for Windows?
39.37. How do I tell DVT to skip some files from compilation?
39.38. Rebuild shortcut (Ctrl + Alt + R) does not work
39.39. I want to use an alias in a DVT Generic Run Configuration, but it's not recognized
39.40. Some files are missing from the VIPs transformed with evip2dvt.sh
39.41. How to set multiple paths as sources of predefined projects ?
39.42. Lines are suddenly changing indentation when I edit text or move the cursor through the editor.
39.43. How to change the directory where the build log file is saved ?
39.44. How to find the DVT logs on Linux/Unix ?
39.45. How to create resource filters ?
39.46. How to create custom shortcut and button for a Run Configuration?
39.47. I know that file.foo is present in the project location, but I can't see it in the Navigator View
39.48. How to copy the full path to the file in the current editor?
39.49. How to adjust the console logs filters matching parameters?
39.50. When I switch to Block (Column) Selection mode the font changes
39.51. In Block (Column) Selection mode I see strange editng artifacts
39.52. How to modify the font size in the code editors?
39.53. How to automatically checkout/lock files from the revision control system ?
39.54. How can I see if a file is read-only?
39.55. How can I open a file in DVT from the terminal?
39.56. How can I open a file in DVT from Questa?
39.57. How do I change the name of the xterm opened by a DVT Generic Run Configuration?
39.58. I get errors while installing or updating a plugin from an update site