DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

28.2.1 Smart Log - Filters

To define a new filter for a DVT Generic run configuration go to the Filters Tab, click New... and specify filter parameters.

The main filter parameters are:

  • Name - The name of the filter

  • Severity - The severity of the filter.

  • Pattern - The filter pattern. Use ${file} to indicate a file hyper-link, and ${line} to indicate the line to jump to. Use (?<TAG_NAME>) to tag a group that will be used to randomly or explicitly assign a style (green bold for example - see Smart Log - Styles).

In the Filters Tab you can also set other parameters such as:

  • The maximum number of characters per line ( 1 )

  • The maximum number of consecutive lines ( 2 )

  • Whether links should jump to resources from the current working set ( 5 )

You can browse through predefined filters to see more examples ( 3 ).

You can also add a filter pattern for your console title ( 4 ). This should contain capturing groups whose contents will be appended to the console title. For example the pattern in the image above: "DVT_CONSOLE_TITLE\s+(\w+)" will append "[my_title]" to the console title when it will match a text like "DVT_CONSOLE_TITLE my_title" in the console output.

Smart Log - Hyperlinks

Smart Log - Styles

Run Configurations