DVT e Language IDE User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

36.15.12 Tasks View

You can embed reminders in your source files by adding comments prefixed by certain "keywords" called task tags.

There are three predefined tags:

  • FIXME - high priority

  • TODO - normal priority

  • XXX - low priority

All reminders are listed in the Tasks View. If it is not visible, open the view from menu Window > Show View > Other > General > Tasks.

Double click on a task to jump to the marker definition.

You can define custom reminder tags and assign them priorities:

  • Navigate to Window > Preferences > DVT > Task Tags

You can specify if the tags should be considered case-sensitive and if the tag name should be displayed in Tasks View.

  • Click the Add... button on the right, enter the name of your tag and select its priority

  • Click OK in the New Task Tag and Preferences dialogs

DVT will recognize the new tag and highlight it in code comments.

Note: it is recommended to rebuild the project so that DVT rescans all files for reminders.