41.7 Generating External Tool Scripts from the DVT Build Configuration
You can integrate DVT with external tools like compilers, simulators or linters via
Run Configurations and
External Builders.
Sometimes a good portion of the DVT build configuration file (.dvt/default.build) can be reused by the external tools.
For example, an external compiler invocation is very similar to the content of each +dvt_init section from the default.build file,
as it contains the same set of top files and compiler directives.
However, most of the time there are tool, scripting or OS specific differences that do not allow a direct reuse.
For such situations, DVT provides the
${dvt_compile_script:<script_template.ftl>:<script.sh>} variable. It takes two mandatory arguments, provided as absolute paths or relative to the project root:
script_template.ftl - a FreeMarker template of the script
script.sh - the filename where DVT will generate the resulting script
In the script template you can access structured data describing the active build configuration.
For example, the list of all
+dvt_init sections and for each section the library name or list of all directives.
When the external tool command gets executed, the template is processed and the script is generated.
The variable itself is resolved to the full path of the generated script file, which can be used in the external tool command line.
The following API is accessible in the FreeMarker template:
Tip: An Eclipse plugin provides IDE functionality (syntax highlight, errors as you type, etc) for working with FreeMarker templates, see:
Note: Template processing errors prevent the execution of the external tool. They are reported in a pop-up dialog, and more details can be found in the FreeMarker page of the Console View.
Example: External Builder for QuestaSim on Windows OS
This example illustrates how to use the
${dvt_compile_script} variable to configure QuestaSim as an external compiler on Windows OS.
Click the drop-down arrow to the side of the
Rebuild Project (External Builders) toolbar button and choose
Create a
New... >
External Builder (Generic) and fill in the full, incremental and clean commands.
On the
Filters tab, enable the
Questa filter category, and any other filters that may be relevant for you.
Tip: The external builder configuration is saved in the
.dvt/external_builders.xml file,
you can skip the steps above and simply create the file with the content listed below.
Create the script templates for full, incremental and clean commands.
Listings of the files used in this example are provided below.
Note: The
bin directory of the QuestaSim installation should be included in the
%PATH% variable.
Note: The
${env_var:DVT_HOME}\bin\utils\busybox program which is included in the DVT distribution allows scripts to be written in bash.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
ATTR_AUTO_COMMAND="${env_var:DVT_HOME}\bin\utils\busybox sh ${dvt_compile_script:.dvt/qw_incr.ftl:.dvt/qw_incr.sh}"
ATTR_CLEAN_COMMAND="${env_var:DVT_HOME}\bin\utils\busybox sh ${dvt_compile_script:.dvt/qw_clean.ftl:.dvt/qw_clean.sh}"
ATTR_FULL_COMMAND="${env_var:DVT_HOME}\bin\utils\busybox sh ${dvt_compile_script:.dvt/qw_full.ftl:.dvt/qw_full.sh}"
<environment_variables ATTR_APPEND_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES="true"/>
<#list getInvocations() as invocation>
echo "Invocation no ${invocation.getIndex()}"
<#assign compilationRoot = invocation.getCompilationRoot()>
cd "${compilationRoot}"
<#assign libName = invocation.getLibName()>
vmake ${libName} &>/dev/null || vlib ${libName}
<#if (invocation.getToolCompat() == "questa.vcom")>
vcom.exe \
<#elseif (invocation.getToolCompat() == "questa.vlog")>
vlog.exe \
<#list invocation.getDirectives() as directive>
<#if (!directive?matches("\\+dvt_.*"))>
<#if (directive?contains("\\"))>
"${invocation.replaceEnv(directive)}" <#sep>\</#sep>
${invocation.replaceEnv(directive)} <#sep>\</#sep>
<#list getInvocations() as invocation>
echo "Invocation no ${invocation.getIndex()}"
<#assign compilationRoot = invocation.getCompilationRoot()>
cd "${compilationRoot}"
<#assign libName = invocation.getLibName()>
vmake ${libName} &>/dev/null || vlib ${libName}
<#if (invocation.getToolCompat() == "questa.vcom")>
vcom.exe \
<#elseif (invocation.getToolCompat() == "questa.vlog")>
vlog.exe -incr \
<#list invocation.getDirectives() as directive>
<#if (!directive?matches("\\+dvt_.*") && (directive?starts_with("+") || directive?starts_with("-")))>
${directive} <#sep>\</#sep>
"${getIncrementalFile()}" \
<#list getLibPathSet() as libPath>
cd "${libPath.getPath()}"
vdel -lib ${libPath.getLib()} -all > /dev/null