Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Available Rules
2. Run in Batch Mode
3. Run in GUI Mode
3.1. DVT Eclipse IDE
3.1.1. From the Command Line
3.1.2. From the DVT Eclipse IDE
3.1.3. Lint current file
3.1.4. Incremental Linting
3.1.5. Compare GUI Report
3.1.6. Open HTML report
3.1.7. Main Tab
3.1.8. Architecture Tab
3.1.9. Checks Tab
3.1.10. Waivers Tab
3.1.11. Problems View Integration
3.2. DVT IDE for VS Code
3.2.1. Start a Linting Session
3.2.2. Lint Configurations
3.2.3. Problems View and Editor Integration
3.2.4. Lint Current File
3.2.5. Incremental Linting
3.2.6. Compare features
3.2.7. Rerun Checks
3.2.8. Generate and Open Resources
3.2.9. Close the Linting Session
3.2.10. Import a Linting Session
4. Compile Arguments
4.1. Auto-config
4.2. Emulating compiler invocations
4.3. Compatibility Modes
4.3.1. Default DVT Compatibility Mode
4.3.2. gcc Compatibility Mode
4.3.3. ius.irun Compatibility Mode
4.3.4. ius.perspec Compatibility Mode
4.3.5. questa.vcom Compatibility Mode
4.3.6. questa.vlog Compatibility Mode
4.3.7. questa.qrun Compatibility Mode
4.3.8. vcs.vhdlan Compatibility Mode
4.3.9. vcs.vlogan Compatibility Mode
4.3.10. xcelium.xrun Compatibility Mode
4.4. Paths
4.5. Strings
4.7. Environment Variables
4.8. Including Other Argument Files
4.9. All Build Directives
4.10. SystemVerilog OVM or UVM Library Compilation
4.11. Xilinx Libraries Compilation
4.12. Intel(Altera) Quartus Libraries Compilation
4.13. Questa Libraries Compilation
4.14. Use of External Programs
5. HTML Report
6. HTML Progress Report
7. Custom Report
7.1. Custom Report Predefined Templates
7.2. Custom Report Examples
8. Rulesets
8.1. Ruleset File Syntax (XML)
8.2. Ruleset File Examples
8.3. Predefined Rulesets
8.4. Compilation Rules
8.4.1. Semantic Checks
8.4.2. Non Standard Checks
9. Lint Waivers
9.1. Lint Waivers File Syntax (XML)
9.2. Lint Waivers File Example
9.3. Lint Waivers GUI
9.4. Inline Lint Waivers
9.4.1. UVMF Custom Pragma Waivers
10. Compile Waivers
11. Report Merging, Diffing and Comparing
11.1. Merge Example
11.2. Diff Example
11.3. Compare Example
12. Auto-correct
12.1. Command Line
12.2. DVT Eclipse IDE
12.3. DVT IDE for VS Code
13. API for Writing Custom Rules
14. Memory Monitor
15. Application Notes
15.1. Exporting the Design Hierarchy
15.2. Exporting the Tasks from Comments
15.3. Export list of Linted Files
15.4. Overriding Rules in the Ruleset XML File
15.5. Output and logging
16. Q & A
16.1. How to use special characters in XML?
16.2. What regular-expression constructs are supported?
17. What is New?
18. How to Report an Issue?
19. Legal Notices
20. Third Party Licenses