Rev. 24.2.25, 31 October 2024

19.3 Hierarchical Search

You can use single slash ('/') characters to search for strict (direct) hierarchies and double slash ('//') to search for non-strict (indirect) hierarchies.

You can choose to see all or just the direct descendants of the matched elements.

For each hierarchical segment you can use either CamelCase or Simple Regex.

No filter.
Filter: first/second

''Search for strict hierarchy.'' All elements that contain the search pattern and are in a direct hierarchical relationship (father/son) are shown.
Filter: second/s_f/fi*

''Search for strict hierarchy'' + CamelCase and simple Regex
Filter: second//fsc

''Search for non-strict hierarchy.'' All elements that contain the search pattern and are in a direct or indirect hierarchical relationship (ancestor/../../descendant) are shown.
Filter: s_p/

''Search for strict hierarchy and show direct descendants.'' Same results as for search strict hierarchy, but including the sons of the matched elements.
Filter: s_p//

''Search for strict hierarchy and show all descendants.'' Same results as for search strict hierarchy, but including all descendants of the matched elements.