Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

8.5 Working in Editor

AI Assistant provides the ability to insert LLM replies directly into the editor.

You can start a new editor session in several ways:

  • Using Start a New Session from Blueprint command where you can select any built-in or custom blueprint that targets the editor.

  • Using the build-in blueprint commands starting with DVT AI Blueprint and targeting the editor.

  • Using Start a New Editor Session from Message button found above a user request in chat.

Sessions targeting the editor typically have a single request and the reply goes directly to the editor, replacing existing code or inserting new code.

The editor will open in compare mode and you can quickly identify the changes.

To stop the insertion and generation of a reply use the Stop Generation command.

After the reply is completely generated, the DVT’s incremental compilation will automatically validate the code.

Use the compare editor to partially or fully revert the changes. When everything looks good save the file and close the compare editor.