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-- Description: Carry-Compact Adder for Xilinx Virtex-5 architectures and newer.
-- A carry-compact adder (CCA) utilizes the fast carry chain of contemporary
-- FPGA devices to implement a fast and even compacted binary word addition.
-- For wide operands, it accounts for the delay encountered even on this fast
-- signal path and uses the associated time to perform a significantly
-- shorter but effective LUT-based parallel computation that reduces the
-- length of the internal ripple-carry adder without affecting the critical
-- path length.
-- The compaction performed by the CCA is performed hierarchical on
-- potentially multiple levels. The number of levels may be restricted by the
-- optional generic parameter X. A linear compaction on a single level may
-- be of special interest as it typically does not increase the LUT demand
-- in comparison to a standard RCA implementation.
-- The parameter L is architecture-dependent and estimates the delay of a LUT
-- stage in terms of carry-chain hops. It is a tuning parameter. Values
-- around 20 are a good starting point.
-- For a detailed description see: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ARITH.2011.22
-- Preusser, T.B.; Zabel, M.; Spallek, R.G.:
-- "Accelerating Computations on FPGA Carry Chains by Operand Compaction",
-- 20th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), 2011.
-- Author: Thomas B. Preusser
-- ================================================================================
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- ===================================================================================
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity [docs]arith_cca is
N : positive; -- bit width
L : natural; -- CC length equivalent per LUT stage
X : natural := 0 -- max expansion depth; default: zero (0) - unlimited
a : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
c : in std_logic := '0';
s : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0)
end arith_cca;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
architecture [docs]rtl of arith_cca is
type tLevel is record
base : natural;
core : integer;
done : natural;
end record tLevel;
type tLevels is array(natural range<>) of tLevel;
function [docs]compact return tLevels is
variable res : tLevels(0 to 31);
variable base, core, done : integer;
base := 0;
core := (N-L)/2;
done := N-2*core;
for i in res'range loop
res(i) := (base, core, done);
if core <= 0 then
for j in 0 to i loop
report integer'image(j)&": ("&integer'image(res(j).base)&", "&integer'image(res(j).core)&", "&integer'image(res(j).done)&")" severity note;
end loop; -- j
return res(0 to i);
end if;
base := base + 2*core;
done := done + (core-2*(core/2)+L);
core := core/2 - L;
if i+1 = X and core > 0 then
done := done + 2*core;
core := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end function compact;
constant LEVELS : tLevels := compact;
constant CCA : boolean := LEVELS'length > 1;
genRCA: if not CCA generate
assert false
report "Using standard RCA for small "&integer'image(N)&"-bit adder."
severity note;
s <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(a)+unsigned(b)+(0 to 0 => c));
end generate;
genCCA: if CCA generate
constant WI : positive := LEVELS(LEVELS'high).base;
constant WC : positive := LEVELS(LEVELS'high).done + LEVELS'high*L + 2*LEVELS(LEVELS'high).core;
signal ai, bi, si : std_logic_vector(WI-1 downto 0);
signal ac, bc, sc : unsigned(WC-1 downto 0);
-- Feed operands into compaction tree except for a prefix of L bits
-- to hide expansion delay of lower-order bits
blkFeed: block is
constant DONE : natural := LEVELS(0).done;
-- alias most-significant prefix of ports and compacted operation
genPre: if DONE > 0 generate
ac(WC-1 downto WC-DONE) <= unsigned(a(N-1 downto N-DONE));
bc(WC-1 downto WC-DONE) <= unsigned(b(N-1 downto N-DONE));
s(N-1 downto N-DONE) <= std_logic_vector(sc(WC-1 downto WC-DONE));
end generate genPre;
-- copy compaction region
ai(N-DONE-1 downto 0) <= a(N-DONE-1 downto 0);
bi(N-DONE-1 downto 0) <= b(N-DONE-1 downto 0);
s(N-DONE-1 downto 0) <= si(N-DONE-1 downto 0);
end block blkFeed;
-- Build the compaction tree
genCompact: for i in 1 to LEVELS'high generate
constant PAIRS : positive := LEVELS(i-1).core;
constant BASE : natural := LEVELS(i).base;
constant CORE : integer := LEVELS(i).core;
constant DONE : natural := LEVELS(i).done;
genPairs: for j in 0 to PAIRS-1 generate
signal b1, b0, a1, a0 : std_logic;
signal ss : std_logic;
-- Compaction ------
-- Simplify Names
b1 <= bi(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+1);
b0 <= bi(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+0);
a1 <= ai(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+1);
a0 <= ai(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+0);
genLast: if CORE <= 0 or j < L or L+2*CORE <= j generate
signal aa, bb : std_logic;
aa <= (b1 and a1) or (b1 and a0) or (a1 and a0);
bb <= (b1 and a1) or (b1 and b0) or (a1 and b0);
genSuf: if CORE <= 0 or j < L generate
ac((i-1)*L+j) <= aa;
bc((i-1)*L+j) <= bb;
ss <= sc((i-1)*L+j);
end generate genSuf;
genPre: if CORE > 0 and L+2*CORE <= j generate
ac(j-L-2*CORE+(WC-DONE)) <= aa;
bc(j-L-2*CORE+(WC-DONE)) <= bb;
ss <= sc(j-L-2*CORE+(WC-DONE));
end generate genPre;
end generate genLast;
genCore: if CORE > 0 and L <= j and j < L+2*CORE generate
ss <= si(BASE-L+j);
ai(BASE-L+j) <= (b1 and a1) or ((b1 xor a1) and a0);
bi(BASE-L+j) <= (b1 and a1) or ((b1 xor a1) and b0);
end generate genCore;
-- Expansion ------
si(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+0) <= (b0 xor a0) xor (ss xor ((b1 xor a1) and (b0 xor a0)));
si(BASE-2*(PAIRS-j)+1) <= (b1 xor a1) xor ((b0 and a0) or ((b0 xor a0) and (ss xor ((b1 xor a1) and (b0 xor a0)))));
end generate genPairs;
end generate genCompact;
sc <= ac + bc + (0 to 0 => c);
end generate genCCA;
end rtl;