-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
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-- =============================================================================
-- Authors: Martin Zabel
-- Patrick Lehmann
-- Entity: Chip-Specific DDR Input and Output Registers
-- Description:
-- Instantiates chip-specific :abbr:`DDR (Double Data Rate)` input and output
-- registers.
-- Both data ``DataOut_high/low`` as well as ``OutputEnable`` are sampled with
-- the ``rising_edge(Clock)`` from the on-chip logic. ``DataOut_high`` is brought
-- out with this rising edge. ``DataOut_low`` is brought out with the falling
-- edge.
-- ``OutputEnable`` (Tri-State) is high-active. It is automatically inverted if
-- necessary. Output is disabled after power-up.
-- Both data ``DataIn_high/low`` are synchronously outputted to the on-chip logic
-- with the rising edge of ``Clock``. ``DataIn_high`` is the value at the ``Pad``
-- sampled with the same rising edge. ``DataIn_low`` is the value sampled with
-- the falling edge directly before this rising edge. Thus sampling starts with
-- the falling edge of the clock as depicted in the following waveform.
-- { signal: [
-- ['DataOut',
-- {name: 'ClockOut', wave: 'LH.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.'},
-- {name: 'ClockOutEnable', wave: '0..1...................'},
-- {name: 'OutputEnable', wave: '0.......1.......0......'},
-- {name: 'DataOut_low', wave: 'x.......2...4...x......', data: ['4', '6'], node: '........k...m...o..'},
-- {name: 'DataOut_high', wave: 'x.......3...5...x......', data: ['5', '7'], node: '........l...n...p..'}
-- ],
-- {},
-- {name: 'Pad', wave: 'x2.3.4.5.z...', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], node: '.a.b.c.d.....e.f.g.h.'},
-- {},
-- ['DataIn',
-- {name: 'ClockIn', wave: 'L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H.L.H'},
-- {name: 'ClockInEnable', wave: '01.......0.............'},
-- {name: 'DataIn_low', wave: 'x.....2...4...z...2...4', data: ['0', '2', '4'], node: '......u...w.......y..'},
-- {name: 'DataIn_high', wave: 'x.....3...5...z...3...5', data: ['1', '3', '5'], node: '......v...x.......z..'}
-- ]
-- ],
-- edge: ['a~>u', 'b~>v', 'c~>w', 'd~>x', 'k~>e', 'l~>f', 'm~>g', 'n~>h', 'e~>y', 'f~>z'],
-- foot: {
-- text: ['tspan',
-- ['tspan', {'font-weight': 'bold'}, 'PoC.io.ddrio.inout'],
-- ' -- DDR Data Input/Output sampled from pad.'
-- ]
-- }
-- }
-- ``Pad`` must be connected to a PAD because FPGAs only have these registers in
-- IOBs.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
library PoC;
use PoC.utils.all;
use PoC.config.all;
use PoC.ddrio.all;
entity [docs]ddrio_inout is
generic (
BITS : positive
port (
ClockOut : in std_logic;
ClockOutEnable : in std_logic;
OutputEnable : in std_logic;
DataOut_high : in std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
DataOut_low : in std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
ClockIn : in std_logic;
ClockInEnable : in std_logic;
DataIn_high : out std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
DataIn_low : out std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
Pad : inout std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture [docs]rtl of ddrio_inout is
report "PoC.io.ddrio.inout is not implemented for given DEVICE."
severity FAILURE;
genXilinx : if VENDOR = VENDOR_XILINX generate
inst : ddrio_inout_xilinx
generic map (
port map (
ClockOut => ClockOut,
ClockOutEnable => ClockOutEnable,
OutputEnable => OutputEnable,
DataOut_high => DataOut_high,
DataOut_low => DataOut_low,
ClockIn => ClockIn,
ClockInEnable => ClockInEnable,
DataIn_high => DataIn_high,
DataIn_low => DataIn_low,
Pad => Pad
end generate;
genAltera : if VENDOR = VENDOR_ALTERA generate
inst : ddrio_inout_altera
generic map (
port map (
ClockOut => ClockOut,
ClockOutEnable => ClockOutEnable,
OutputEnable => OutputEnable,
DataOut_high => DataOut_high,
DataOut_low => DataOut_low,
ClockIn => ClockIn,
ClockInEnable => ClockInEnable,
DataIn_high => DataIn_high,
DataIn_low => DataIn_low,
Pad => Pad
end generate;
genGeneric : if SIMULATION and (VENDOR = VENDOR_GENERIC) generate
signal DataOut_high_d : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal DataOut_low_d : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal OutputEnable_d : std_logic;
signal Pad_o : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal Pad_d_fe : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal DataIn_high_d : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal DataIn_low_d : std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
DataOut_high_d <= DataOut_high when rising_edge(ClockOut) and (ClockOutEnable = '1');
DataOut_low_d <= DataOut_low when rising_edge(ClockOut) and (ClockOutEnable = '1');
OutputEnable_d <= OutputEnable when rising_edge(ClockOut) and (ClockOutEnable = '1');
process(ClockOut, OutputEnable_d, DataOut_high_d, DataOut_low_d)
type T_MUX is array(bit) of std_logic_vector(BITS - 1 downto 0);
variable MuxInput : T_MUX;
MuxInput('1') := DataOut_high_d;
MuxInput('0') := DataOut_low_d;
if (OutputEnable_d = '1') then
Pad_o <= MuxInput(to_bit(ClockOut));
Pad_o <= (others => 'Z');
end if;
end process;
Pad <= Pad_o;
Pad_d_fe <= Pad when falling_edge(ClockIn) and (ClockInEnable = '1');
DataIn_high_d <= Pad when rising_edge(ClockIn) and (ClockInEnable = '1');
DataIn_low_d <= Pad_d_fe when rising_edge(ClockIn) and (ClockInEnable = '1');
DataIn_high <= DataIn_high_d;
DataIn_low <= DataIn_low_d;
end generate;
end architecture;