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-- =============================================================================
-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
-- Entity: Generic Xilinx ChipScope ICON wrapper
-- Description:
-- This module wraps 15 ChipScope ICON IP core netlists generated from ChipScope
-- ICON xco files. The generic parameter ``PORTS`` selects the apropriate ICON
-- instance with 1 to 15 ICON ``ControlBus`` ports. Each ``ControlBus`` port is
-- of type ``T_XIL_CHIPSCOPE_CONTROL`` and of mode ``inout``.
-- .. rubric:: Compile required CoreGenerator IP Cores to Netlists with PoC
-- Please use the provided Xilinx ISE compile command ``ise`` in PoC to recreate
-- the needed source and netlist files on your local machine.
-- .. code-block:: PowerShell
-- cd PoCRoot
-- .\poc.ps1 ise PoC.xil.ChipScopeICON --board=KC705
-- SeeAlso:
-- :doc:`Using PoC -> Synthesis </UsingPoC/Synthesis>`
-- For how to run synthesis with PoC and CoreGenerator.
-- License:
-- =============================================================================
-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- =============================================================================
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library PoC;
use PoC.xil.all;
entity [docs]xil_ChipScopeICON is
generic (
PORTS : positive
port (
ControlBus : inout T_XIL_CHIPSCOPE_CONTROL_VECTOR(PORTS - 1 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture [docs]rtl of xil_ChipScopeICON is
assert (PORTS < 16) report "To many ICON CONTROL ports." severity failure;
genICON1 : if PORTS = 1 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_1
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0)
end generate;
genICON2 : if PORTS = 2 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_2
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1)
end generate;
genICON3 : if PORTS = 3 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_3
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2)
end generate;
genICON4 : if PORTS = 4 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_4
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3)
end generate;
genICON5 : if PORTS = 5 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_5
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4)
end generate;
genICON6 : if PORTS = 6 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_6
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5)
end generate;
genICON7 : if PORTS = 7 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_7
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6)
end generate;
genICON8 : if PORTS = 8 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_8
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7)
end generate;
genICON9 : if PORTS = 9 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_9
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8)
end generate;
genICON10 : if PORTS = 10 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_10
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9)
end generate;
genICON11 : if PORTS = 11 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_11
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9),
CONTROL10 => ControlBus(10)
end generate;
genICON12 : if PORTS = 12 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_12
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9),
CONTROL10 => ControlBus(10),
CONTROL11 => ControlBus(11)
end generate;
genICON13 : if PORTS = 13 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_13
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9),
CONTROL10 => ControlBus(10),
CONTROL11 => ControlBus(11),
CONTROL12 => ControlBus(12)
end generate;
genICON14 : if PORTS = 14 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_14
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9),
CONTROL10 => ControlBus(10),
CONTROL11 => ControlBus(11),
CONTROL12 => ControlBus(12),
CONTROL13 => ControlBus(13)
end generate;
genICON15 : if PORTS = 15 generate
ICON : entity PoC.xil_ChipScopeICON_15
port map (
CONTROL0 => ControlBus(0),
CONTROL1 => ControlBus(1),
CONTROL2 => ControlBus(2),
CONTROL3 => ControlBus(3),
CONTROL4 => ControlBus(4),
CONTROL5 => ControlBus(5),
CONTROL6 => ControlBus(6),
CONTROL7 => ControlBus(7),
CONTROL8 => ControlBus(8),
CONTROL9 => ControlBus(9),
CONTROL10 => ControlBus(10),
CONTROL11 => ControlBus(11),
CONTROL12 => ControlBus(12),
CONTROL13 => ControlBus(13),
CONTROL14 => ControlBus(14)
end generate;
end architecture;