-- EMACS settings: -*-  tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
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-- =============================================================================
-- Authors:     Jens Voss
-- Entity:      Double-ended queue
-- Description:
-- Implements a deque (double-ended queue). This data structure allows two
-- acting entities to queue data elements for the consumption by the other while
-- still being able to unqueue untaken ones in LIFO fashion.
-- License:
-- =============================================================================
-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
--                     Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--              http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- =============================================================================

library IEEE;
use			IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity [docs]dstruct_deque is
  generic (
    D_BITS    : positive;               -- Data Width
    MIN_DEPTH : positive                -- Minimum Deque Depth
  port (
    -- Shared Ports
    clk, rst : in std_logic;

    -- Port A
    dinA   : in  std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);  -- DataA Input
    putA   : in  std_logic;
    gotA   : in  std_logic;
    doutA  : out std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);  -- DataA Output
    validA : out std_logic;
    fullA  : out std_logic;

    -- Port B
    dinB   : in  std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);  -- DataB Input
    putB   : in  std_logic;
    gotB   : in  std_logic;
    doutB  : out std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);
    validB : out std_logic;
    fullB  : out std_logic
end entity dstruct_deque;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

library PoC;
use PoC.config.all;
use PoC.utils.all;
use PoC.ocram.all;

architecture [docs]rtl of dstruct_deque is
  -- Constants
    constant A_BITS : natural := log2ceil(MIN_DEPTH);

    -- MEMORY variable
    -- type memory_t is array ((2**A_BITS)-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0);
    -- signal memory : memory_t := (others => (others => '0'));

    -- Signals
    signal combined : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    signal ctrl : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
    signal sub : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

    -- last operation flag
    signal last_operation : std_logic := '0'; -- save last operation 0 -> read, 1 -> write
    type last_op_ctrl_t is (IDLE, SET, UNSET);
    signal last_op_ctrl : last_op_ctrl_t := IDLE;

    signal delayed_valid : std_logic := '0';
    signal delay : std_logic := '0';
    -- signal s_validA : std_logic := '0';
    -- signal s_validB : std_logic := '0';

    -- Stackpointer
    -- A
    signal stackpointerA : unsigned (A_BITS-1 downto 0) := shift_right(to_unsigned(MIN_DEPTH-1,A_BITS),1);
    -- signal reA : std_logic := '0';
    signal weA : std_logic := '0';
    -- B
    signal stackpointerB : unsigned (A_BITS-1 downto 0) := shift_right(to_unsigned(MIN_DEPTH-1,A_BITS),1) + 1;
    -- signal reB : std_logic := '0';
    signal weB : std_logic := '0';

    -- ctrl signal for stackpointer operations
    type ctrl_t is (PUSH, POP, IDLE);
    signal ctrlA : ctrl_t := IDLE;
    signal ctrlB : ctrl_t := IDLE;

    -- RAM Signals
    signal adrA : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    signal adrB : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');


  ram : entity poc.ocram_tdp_wf
  generic map(
    A_BITS => A_BITS,
    D_BITS => D_BITS,
    FILENAME =>  ""
  port map(
    clk => clk,
    ce 	=> '1',
    we1	=> weA,
    we2	=> weB,
    a1	=> adrA,
    a2	=> adrB,
    d1	=> dinA,
    d2	=> dinB,
    q1	=> doutA,
    q2	=> doutB

    sub <= stackpointerB - stackpointerA;

    combined <= putA & gotA & putB & gotB;

    process(combined, stackpointerA, stackpointerB, last_operation, ctrl)
        ctrlA <= IDLE;
        ctrlB <= IDLE;
        -- reA <= '1';
        -- reB <= '1';
        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
        weA <= '0';
        weB <= '0';
        last_op_ctrl <= IDLE;
        delay <= '0';
        case(combined) is
            when x"0" =>    --nothing
                -- nothing happened/happens
                -- don't update stackpointers
                ctrlA <= IDLE;
                ctrlB <= IDLE;
            when x"1" =>    --readB
                -- B read a valid value
                -- update stackpointer
                ctrlB <= POP;
                -- reB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if(last_operation = '0') then
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- B couldn't read a valid value => don't update SP!
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element left
                    -- side B saw empty signal
                    -- so B couldn't read a valid value
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    last_op_ctrl <= IDLE;
                end if;
            when x"2" =>    --writeB
                ctrlB <= PUSH;
                weB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if(last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- B cant write => don't update SP!
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        --> delay validA signal for one clk cycle
                        delay <= '1';
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- B isn't allowed to write
                    -- B sees full signal atm
                    weB <= '0';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                end if;
            when x"3" =>    --readB, writeB
                -- B read a valid value and writes a new value at the same spot
                -- don't update stackpointer
                -- reB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                weB <= '1';
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- B read a valid value but new value cant be pushed!
                        ctrlB <= POP;
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- B couldn't read a valid value, but new value can be written!
                        -- delay validA signal one clk cycle
                        ctrlB <= PUSH;
                        weB <= '1';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                        delay <= '1';
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element left
                    -- B couldn't read it, but can write new value
                    ctrlB <= PUSH;
                    weB <= '1';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB;
                    last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    -- only one spot left
                    -- B read a valid value but cant write new value
                    ctrlB <= POP;
                    weB <= '0';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                    last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                end if;
            when x"4" =>    --readA
                -- A read a valid values
                -- update stackpointer
                ctrlA <= POP;
                -- reA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                if (ctrl = "01" and last_operation = '0') then
                    --> deque is empty!
                    -- A couldn't read a valid value => don't update SP!
                    ctrlA <= IDLE;
                    adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                end if;
            when x"5" =>    --readA, readB
                -- A and B read both valid values
                -- update both stackpointers
                ctrlA <= POP;
                ctrlB <= POP;
                -- reB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                -- reA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full
                        -- A and B read a valid value!
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A and B couldn't a valid value => don't update SP!
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    -- A and B both tried to read last value!
                    -- but only A was allowed to read value so only update stackpointerA
                    ctrlA <= POP;
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                end if;
            when x"6" =>   --readA, writeB
                -- A read a valid value and B writes a new value
                -- update both stackpointers
                ctrlA <= POP;
                ctrlB <= PUSH;
                -- reA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                weB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if(last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A read a valid value, but B cant push!
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        weB <= '0';
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A couldn't read a valid value, but B can push!
                        -- delay validA signal one clk cycle
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                        delay <= '1';
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element in deque
                    --> A read valid value and B can write new value
                    --> But validA has to be delayed!
                    delay <= '1';
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- A read valid value, but B isn't allowed to write last value
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    weB <= '0';
                    last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                end if;
            when x"7" =>   --readA, readB, writeB
                -- A and B read valid values and B writes a new value at the same spot
                -- Update stackpointerA and don't update stackpointer B
                ctrlA <= POP;
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                -- reB <= '1';
                weB <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                -- reA <= '1';
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if last_operation = '1' then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A and B read a valid value, but B cant push!
                        ctrlB <= POP;
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A and B couldn't have read a valid value, but B can push!
                        -- delay validA signal one clk cycle
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        ctrlB <= PUSH;
                        weB <= '1';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                        delay <= '1';
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- A and B read valid values, but B isn't allowed to write new value
                    -- B sees full signal atm
                    ctrlB <= POP;
                    weB <= '0';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                    last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element in deque
                    -- only A read a valid value, but B can write a new value
                    --> validA has to be delayed!
                    ctrlB <= PUSH;
                    weB <= '1';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB;
                    last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    delay <= '1';
                end if;
            when x"8" =>   --writeA
                -- A writes a new value
                -- update stackpointer
                ctrlA <= PUSH;
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full
                        -- A cant write!
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        weA <= '0';
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            when x"9" =>   --writeA, readB
                -- A writes new value and B reads a valid value
                -- update both stackpointers
                ctrlA <= PUSH;
                ctrlB <= POP;
                -- reB <= '1';
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA;
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A cant write, but B read a valid value!
                        weA <= '0';
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A can write, but B couldn't read a valid value!
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element left
                    -- A can write new value, but B couldn't read a valid value
                    -- B sees empty signal atm
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                end if;
            when x"A" =>   --writeA, writeB
                -- A and B write new values
                -- update both Stackpointers
                ctrlA <= PUSH;
                ctrlB <= PUSH;
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA;
                weB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A and B cant write!
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        weA <= '0';
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        --> A and B can write!
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left.
                    -- only A is allowed to write
                    -- B got full signal
                    weB <= '0';
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                end if;
            when x"B" =>   --writeA, readB, writeB
                --> A writes a value and B read a valid value and writes a new value at the same spot!
                -- update stackpointerA and don't update stackpointerB
                ctrlA <= PUSH;
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA;
                -- reB <= '1';
                weB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A and B cant write, but B read a valid value!
                        ctrlB <= POP;
                        ctrlA <= IDLE;
                        weA <= '0';
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty
                        --> A and B can write, but B couldn't read a valid value!
                        ctrlB <= PUSH;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- only A can write last value
                    -- B only read a valid value
                    ctrlB <= POP;
                    weB <= '0';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element left
                    --> B couldn't read value but A and B are allowed to write new values
                    ctrlB <= PUSH;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB;
                    last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                end if;
            when x"C" =>   --readA, writeA
                --> A read a valid value and writes a new value at the same spot!
                -- => don't update stackpointer!
                ctrlA <= IDLE;
                -- reA <= '1';
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A cant write, but read a valid value!
                        ctrlA <= POP;
                        weA <= '0';
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A can write, but couldn't read a valid value!
                        ctrlA <= PUSH;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                end if;
            when x"D" =>   --readA, writeA, readB
                -- A and B read valid values and A writes a new value at the same spot
                -- don't update stackpointerA and update stackpointerB
                ctrlB <= POP;
                ctrlA <= IDLE;
                -- reA <= '1';
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                -- reB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A cant write new values, but A and B could read a valid value
                        ctrlA <= POP;
                        ctrlB <= POP;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                        weA <= '0';
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A and B couldn't read a valid value, but A can write a new value
                        ctrlA <= PUSH;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element in deque
                    -- only A read valid value and can write a new value
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    ctrlA <= IDLE;
                    adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                    last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                end if;
            when x"E" =>   --readA, writeA, writeB
                -- B writes a new value, A read a valid value and writes a new value at the same spot
                -- update stackpiunterB and don't update stackpointerA
                ctrlB <= PUSH;
                ctrlA <= IDLE;
                -- reA <= '1';
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                weB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if (last_operation = '1') then
                        --> deque is full!
                        -- A and B cant write, but A could read valid value
                        weA <= '0';
                        weB <= '0';
                        ctrlA <= POP;
                        ctrlB <= IDLE;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty!
                        -- A couldn't read a valid value, but A and B can write new values
                        ctrlA <= PUSH;
                        ctrlB <= PUSH;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- B cant write new value
                    ctrlB <= IDLE;
                    weB <= '0';
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                end if;
            when x"F" =>   --readA, writeA,readB, writeB
                -- A and B read valid values and write new values at the same stackpointers
                -- don't update both stackpointers
                ctrlA <= IDLE;
                ctrlB <= IDLE;
                -- reA <= '1';
                weA <= '1';
                adrA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                weB <= '1';
                -- reB <= '1';
                adrB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                if ctrl = "01" then
                    if last_operation = '1' then
                        --> deque is full
                        -- A and B could read valid values but cant write new values
                        ctrlA <= POP;
                        ctrlB <= POP;
                        weA <= '0';
                        weB <= '0';
                        adrA <= stackpointerA + 2;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                        last_op_ctrl <= UNSET;
                        --> deque is empty
                        -- A and B couldn't read valid values but can both write new values
                        ctrlA <= PUSH;
                        ctrlB <= PUSH;
                        adrA <= stackpointerA;
                        adrB <= stackpointerB;
                        last_op_ctrl <= SET;
                    end if;
                elsif ctrl = "10" then
                    --> only one element left
                    -- only A read last value, A replaces the last element
                    -- B just writes new value
                    -- B sees empty signal atm
                    ctrlB <= PUSH;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB;
                elsif ctrl = "00" then
                    --> only one spot left
                    -- B read a valid value, but isn't allowed to write
                    -- B sees full signal atm
                    ctrlB <= POP;
                    adrB <= stackpointerB - 2;
                    weB <= '0';
                end if;
            when others =>  --nothing
                -- nothing happened/happens
                -- don't update stackpointers
                last_op_ctrl <= IDLE;
        end case;
    end process;

        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if (rst = '1') then
                last_operation <= '0';
                case( last_op_ctrl ) is
                    when IDLE =>
                        last_operation <= last_operation;
                    when SET =>
                        last_operation <= '1';
                    when UNSET =>
                        last_operation <= '0';
                    when others =>
                        last_operation <= last_operation;
                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    --stackpointerA operations
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if (rst = '1') then
                stackpointerA <= shift_right(to_unsigned(MIN_DEPTH-1,A_BITS),1);
                case( ctrlA ) is
                    when IDLE =>
                        stackpointerA <= stackpointerA;
                    when PUSH =>
                        stackpointerA <= stackpointerA - 1;
                    when POP =>
                        stackpointerA <= stackpointerA + 1;
                    when others =>
                        stackpointerA <= stackpointerA;
                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    -- stackpointerB operations
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if (rst = '1') then
                stackpointerB <= shift_right(to_unsigned(MIN_DEPTH-1,A_BITS),1) + 1;
                case( ctrlB ) is
                    when IDLE =>
                        stackpointerB <= stackpointerB;
                    when PUSH =>
                        stackpointerB <= stackpointerB + 1;
                    when POP =>
                        stackpointerB <= stackpointerB - 1;
                    when others =>
                        stackpointerB <= stackpointerB;
                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    -- delayed_valid register
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if(rst = '1') then
                delayed_valid <= '0';
                if (delay = '1') then
                    delayed_valid <= '1';
                    delayed_valid <= '0';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    -- sub of B and A
    process(sub, last_operation, delayed_valid)
        fullA <= '0';
        fullB <= '0';
        validB <= '1';
        if(delayed_valid = '1') then
            validA <= '0';
            validA <= '1';
        end if;
        case(to_integer(sub)) is
            when 0 =>
                ctrl <= "00"; -- let a or b write?
                    -- only one spot left
                    -- set one side to full!
                    -- at the moment A has higher priority
                    fullB <= '1';
            when 1 =>
                ctrl <= "01"; -- empty or full?
                if (last_operation = '1') then
                    fullA <= '1';
                    fullB <= '1';
                    validA <= '0';
                    validB <= '0';
                end if;
            when 2 =>
                ctrl <= "10"; -- let a or b read?
                    -- only one element left
                    -- set one side to empty!
                    -- at the moment A has higher priority
                    validB <= '0';
            when 3 =>
                ctrl <= "11"; -- both can write/read
            when others =>
                ctrl <= "11";
        end case;
    end process;

end architecture;