Entity ocram_tdp_sim
Block Diagram of ocram_tdp_sim
Simulation model for true dual-port memory, with:
dual clock, clock enable,
2 read/write ports.
The interface matches that of the IP core PoC.mem.ocram.tdp. But the implementation there is restricted to the description supported by various synthesis compilers. The implementation here also simulates the correct Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Behavior and handles X propagation.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
positive |
positive |
string |
"" |
file-name for RAM initialization |
Name |
Type |
Direction |
Description |
clk1 |
std_logic |
in |
clk2 |
std_logic |
in |
ce1 |
std_logic |
in |
ce2 |
std_logic |
in |
we1 |
std_logic |
in |
we2 |
std_logic |
in |
a1 |
unsigned |
in |
a2 |
unsigned |
in |
d1 |
std_logic_vector |
in |
d2 |
std_logic_vector |
in |
q1 |
std_logic_vector |
out |
q2 |
std_logic_vector |
out |
read-data from 2nd port |