//   Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2007-2010 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
//   writing, software distributed under the License is
//   distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
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//   the License for the specific language governing
//   permissions and limitations under the License.

// Title: UVM Common Phases
// The common phases are the set of function and task phases that all
// <uvm_component>s execute together.
// All <uvm_component>s are always synchronized
// with respect to the common phases.
// The names of the UVM phases (which will be returned by get_name() for a
// phase instance) match the class names specified below with the "uvm_"
// and "_phase" removed.  For example, the build phase corresponds to the 
// uvm_build_phase class below and has the name "build", which means that 
// the following can be used to call foo() at the end of the build phase 
// (after all lower levels have finished build):
// | function void phase_ended(uvm_phase phase) ;
// |    if (phase.get_name()=="build") foo() ;
// | endfunction
// The common phases are executed in the sequence they are specified below.
// Class: uvm_build_phase
// Create and configure of testbench structure
// <uvm_topdown_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::build_phase> method.
// Upon entry:
//  - The top-level components have been instantiated under <uvm_root>.
//  - Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some "delta cycles" may have occurred
// Typical Uses:
//  - Instantiate sub-components.
//  - Instantiate register model.
//  - Get configuration values for the component being built.
//  - Set configuration values for sub-components.
// Exit Criteria:
//  - All <uvm_component>s have been instantiated.

class [docs]uvm_build_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_build_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_build_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle
   static function uvm_build_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="build");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_connect_phase
// Establish cross-component connections.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::connect_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - All components have been instantiated.
// - Current simulation time is still equal to 0
//   but some "delta cycles" may have occurred.
// Typical Uses:
// - Connect TLM ports and exports.
// - Connect TLM initiator sockets and target sockets.
// - Connect register model to adapter components.
// - Setup explicit phase domains.
// Exit Criteria:
// - All cross-component connections have been established.
// - All independent phase domains are set.

class [docs]uvm_connect_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_connect_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_connect_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_connect_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="connect");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase
// Fine-tune the testbench.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::end_of_elaboration_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - The verification environment has been completely assembled.
// - Current simulation time is still equal to 0
//   but some "delta cycles" may have occurred.
// Typical Uses:
// - Display environment topology.
// - Open files.
// - Define additional configuration settings for components.
// Exit Criteria:
// - None.

class [docs]uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null) begin 
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="end_of_elaboration");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_start_of_simulation_phase
// Get ready for DUT to be simulated.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::start_of_simulation_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - Other simulation engines, debuggers, hardware assisted platforms and
//   all other run-time tools have been started and synchronized.
// - The verification environment has been completely configured
//   and is ready to start.
// - Current simulation time is still equal to 0
//   but some "delta cycles" may have occurred.
// Typical Uses:
// - Display environment topology
// - Set debugger breakpoint
// - Set initial run-time configuration values.
// Exit Criteria:
// - None.

class [docs]uvm_start_of_simulation_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_start_of_simulation_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_start_of_simulation_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_start_of_simulation_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="start_of_simulation");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_run_phase
// Stimulate the DUT.
// This <uvm_task_phase> calls the
// <uvm_component::run_phase> virtual method. This phase runs in
// parallel to the runtime phases, <uvm_pre_reset_phase> through
// <uvm_post_shutdown_phase>. All components in the testbench
// are synchronized with respect to the run phase regardless of
// the phase domain they belong to.
// Upon Entry:
// - Indicates that power has been applied.
// - There should not have been any active clock edges before entry
//   into this phase (e.g. x->1 transitions via initial blocks).
// - Current simulation time is still equal to 0
//   but some "delta cycles" may have occurred.
// Typical Uses:
// - Components implement behavior that is exhibited for the entire
//   run-time, across the various run-time phases.
// - Backward compatibility with OVM.
// Exit Criteria:
// - The DUT no longer needs to be simulated, and 
// - The <uvm_post_shutdown_phase> is ready to end
// The run phase terminates in one of two ways.
// 1. All run_phase objections are dropped:
//   When all objections on the run_phase objection have been dropped,
//   the phase ends and all of its threads are killed.
//   If no component raises a run_phase objection immediately upon
//   entering the phase, the phase ends immediately.
// 2. Timeout:
//   The phase ends if the timeout expires before all objections are dropped.
//   By default, the timeout is set to 9200 seconds.
//   You may override this via <uvm_root::set_timeout>.
//   If a timeout occurs in your simulation, or if simulation never
//   ends despite completion of your test stimulus, then it usually indicates
//   that a component continues to object to the end of a phase.
class [docs]uvm_run_phase extends uvm_task_phase; 
   virtual task [docs]exec_task(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase); 
   local static uvm_run_phase m_inst; 
   static const string type_name = "uvm_run_phase"; 

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_run_phase [docs]get(); 
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new; 
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="run"); 
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name(); 
      return type_name; 

// Class: uvm_extract_phase
// Extract data from different points of the verification environment.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::extract_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - The DUT no longer needs to be simulated.
// - Simulation time will no longer advance.
// Typical Uses:
// - Extract any remaining data and final state information
//   from scoreboard and testbench components
// - Probe the DUT (via zero-time hierarchical references
//   and/or backdoor accesses) for final state information.
// - Compute statistics and summaries.
// - Display final state information
// - Close files.
// Exit Criteria:
// - All data has been collected and summarized.
class [docs]uvm_extract_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_extract_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_extract_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_extract_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="extract");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_check_phase
// Check for any unexpected conditions in the verification environment.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::check_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - All data has been collected.
// Typical Uses:
// - Check that no unaccounted-for data remain.
// Exit Criteria:
// - Test is known to have passed or failed.
class [docs]uvm_check_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_check_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_check_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_check_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="check");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_report_phase
// Report results of the test.
// <uvm_bottomup_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::report_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - Test is known to have passed or failed.
// Typical Uses:
// - Report test results.
// - Write results to file.
// Exit Criteria:
// - End of test.
class [docs]uvm_report_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_report_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_report_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_report_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="report");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;

// Class: uvm_final_phase
// Tie up loose ends.
// <uvm_topdown_phase> that calls the
// <uvm_component::final_phase> method.
// Upon Entry:
// - All test-related activity has completed.
// Typical Uses:
// - Close files.
// - Terminate co-simulation engines.
// Exit Criteria:
// - Ready to exit simulator.

class [docs]uvm_final_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase;
   virtual function void [docs]exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase);
   local static uvm_final_phase m_inst;
   static const string type_name = "uvm_final_phase";

   // Function: get
   // Returns the singleton phase handle 
   static function uvm_final_phase [docs]get();
      if(m_inst == null)
         m_inst = new();
      return m_inst; 
   protected function new(string name="final");
   virtual function string [docs]get_type_name();
      return type_name;