//   Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2007-2010 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
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// Title: Policy Classes
// Policy classes are used to implement polymorphic operations that
// differ between built-in types and class-based types. Generic
// components can then be built that work with either classes or 
// built-in types, depending on what policy class is used.

// CLASS: uvm_built_in_comp #(T)
// This policy class is used to compare built-in types.
// Provides a comp method that compares the built-in type,
// T, for which the == operator is defined.

class [docs]uvm_built_in_comp #(type T=int);

  static function bit [docs]comp(T a, T b);
    return a == b;


// CLASS: uvm_built_in_converter #(T)
// This policy class is used to convert built-in types to strings.
// Provides a convert2string method that converts the built-in type, T,
// to a string using the %p format specifier.

class [docs]uvm_built_in_converter #(type T=int);
  static function string [docs]convert2string(input T t);
    return $sformatf("%p" , t );

// CLASS: uvm_built_in_clone #(T)
// This policy class is used to clone built-in types via the = operator.
// Provides a clone method that returns a copy of the built-in type, T.

class [docs]uvm_built_in_clone #(type T=int);

  static function T [docs]clone(input T from);
    return from;


// CLASS: uvm_class_comp #(T)
// This policy class is used to compare two objects of the same type.
// Provides a comp method that compares two objects of type T. The
// class T must provide the method "function bit compare(T rhs)",
// similar to the <uvm_object::compare> method.

class [docs]uvm_class_comp #(type T=int);

  static function bit [docs]comp(input T a, input T b);
    return a.compare(b);


// CLASS: uvm_class_converter #(T)
// This policy class is used to convert a class object to a string.
// Provides a convert2string method that converts an instance of type T
// to a string. The class T must provide the method
// "function string convert2string()",
// similar to the <uvm_object::convert2string> method.

class [docs]uvm_class_converter #(type T=int);

  static function string [docs]convert2string(input T t);
    return t.convert2string();


// CLASS: uvm_class_clone #(T)
// This policy class is used to clone class objects.
// Provides a clone method that returns a copy of the built-in type, T.
// The class T must implement the clone method, to which this class
// delegates the operation. If T is derived from <uvm_object>, then
// T must instead implement <uvm_object::do_copy>, either directly or
// indirectly through use of the `uvm_field macros.

class [docs]uvm_class_clone #(type T=int);

  static function uvm_object [docs]clone(input T from);
    return from.clone();
