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// TITLE: HDL Paths Checking Test Sequence

// class: uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq
// Verify the correctness of HDL paths specified for registers and memories.
// This sequence is be used to check that the specified backdoor paths
// are indeed accessible by the simulator.
// By default, the check is performed for the default design abstraction.
// If the simulation contains multiple models of the DUT,
// HDL paths for multiple design abstractions can be checked.
// If a path is not accessible by the simulator, it cannot be used for 
// read/write backdoor accesses. In that case a warning is produced. 
// A simulator may have finer-grained access permissions such as separate 
// read or write permissions.
// These extra access permissions are NOT checked.
// The test is performed in zero time and
// does not require any reads/writes to/from the DUT.

class [docs]uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #(uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item));
    // Variable: abstractions
    // If set, check the HDL paths for the specified design abstractions.
    // If empty, check the HDL path for the default design abstraction,
    // as specified with <uvm_reg_block::set_default_hdl_path()>
    string abstractions[$];
        `uvm_field_queue_string(abstractions, UVM_DEFAULT)
    function [docs]new(string name="uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq");

    virtual task [docs]body();

        if (model == null) begin
            uvm_report_error("uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq", "Register model handle is null");

                 {"checking HDL paths for all registers/memories in ",
                  model.get_full_name()}, UVM_LOW);

       if (abstractions.size() == 0)
          do_block(model, "");
       else begin
          foreach (abstractions[i])
             do_block(model, abstractions[i]);

        `uvm_info("uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq", "HDL path validation completed ",UVM_LOW);
    endtask: body

    // Any additional steps required to reset the block
    // and make it accessible
    virtual task [docs]reset_blk(uvm_reg_block blk);

    protected virtual function void do_block(uvm_reg_block blk,
                                             string        kind);
        uvm_reg       regs[$];
        uvm_mem       mems[$];

                 {"Validating HDL paths in ", blk.get_full_name(),
                  " for ", (kind == "") ? "default" : kind,
                  " design abstraction"}, UVM_MEDIUM) 

       // Iterate over all registers, checking accesses
       blk.get_registers(regs, UVM_NO_HIER);
       foreach (regs[i]) 
          check_reg(regs[i], kind);
       blk.get_memories(mems, UVM_NO_HIER);
       foreach (mems[i]) 
          check_mem(mems[i], kind);
          uvm_reg_block blks[$];
          foreach (blks[i]) begin
             do_block(blks[i], kind);
    endfunction: do_block

    protected virtual function void check_reg(uvm_reg r,
                                              string kind);
        uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$];

	// avoid calling get_full_hdl_path when the register has not path for this abstraction kind

        r.get_full_hdl_path(paths, kind);
        if (paths.size() == 0) return;

        foreach(paths[p]) begin
            uvm_hdl_path_concat path=paths[p];
            foreach (path.slices[j]) begin
                string p_ = path.slices[j].path;
                uvm_reg_data_t d;
                if (!uvm_hdl_read(p_,d))
                               $sformatf("HDL path \"%s\" for register \"%s\" is not readable",
                                         p_, r.get_full_name()));
                if (!uvm_hdl_check_path(p_))
                               $sformatf("HDL path \"%s\" for register \"%s\" is not accessible",
                                         p_, r.get_full_name()));

    protected virtual function void check_mem(uvm_mem m,
                                              string kind);
        uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$];

	// avoid calling get_full_hdl_path when the register has not path for this abstraction kind

        m.get_full_hdl_path(paths, kind);
        if (paths.size() == 0) return;

        foreach(paths[p]) begin
            uvm_hdl_path_concat path=paths[p];
            foreach (path.slices[j]) 
                string p_ = path.slices[j].path;
                               $sformatf("HDL path \"%s\" for memory \"%s\" is not accessible",
                                         p_, m.get_full_name()));
endclass: uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq