//   Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2007-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
//   Copyright 2010-2011 Synopsys, Inc.
//   Copyright 2013      NVIDIA Corporation
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
//       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
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// Class: uvm_set_before_get_dap
// Provides a 'Set Before Get' Data Access Policy.
// The 'Set Before Get' Data Access Policy enforces that the value must
// be written at ~least~ once before it is read.  This DAP can be used to
// pass shared information to multiple components during standard configuration,
// even if that information hasn't yet been determined.
// Such DAP objects can be useful for passing a 'placeholder' reference, before
// the information is actually available.  A good example of this would be
// the virtual sequencer:
//| typedef uvm_set_before_get_dap#(uvm_sequencer_base) seqr_dap_t;
//| virtual_seqeuncer_type virtual_sequencer;
//| agent_type my_agent;
//| seqr_dap_t seqr_dap;
//| function void my_env::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//|   seqr_dap = seqr_dap_t::type_id::create("seqr_dap");
//|   // Pass the DAP, because we don't have a reference to the
//|   // real sequencer yet...
//|   uvm_config_db#(seqr_dap_t)::set(this, "virtual_sequencer", "seqr_dap", seqr_dap);
//|   // Create the virtual sequencer
//|   virtual_sequencer = virtual_sequencer_type::type_id::create("virtual_sequencer", this);
//|   // Create the agent
//|   agent = agent_type::type_id::create("agent", this);
//| endfunction
//| function void my_env::connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//|   // Now that we know the value is good, we can set it
//|   seqr_dap.set(agent.sequencer);
//| endfunction
// In the example above, the environment didn't have a reference to the
// agent's sequencer yet, because the agent hadn't executed its ~build_phase~.
// The environment needed to give the virtual sequencer a "Set before get" DAP
// so that the virtual sequencer (and any sequences one it), could ~eventually~
// see the agent's sequencer, when the reference was finally available.  If
// the virtual sequencer (or any sequences on it) attempted to 'get' the
// reference to the agent's sequencer ~prior~ to the environment assigning it,
// an error would have been reported.

class [docs]uvm_set_before_get_dap#(type T=int) extends uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T);

   // Used for self-references
   typedef uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T) this_type;
   // Parameterized Utils
   // Stored data
   local T m_value;

   // Set state
   local bit m_set;

   // Function: new
   // Constructor
   function [docs]new(string name="unnamed-uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T)");
      m_set = 0;
   endfunction : new

   // Group: Set/Get Interface
   // Function: set
   // Updates the value stored within the DAP.
   virtual function void [docs]set(T value);
      m_set = 1;
      m_value = value;
   endfunction : set

   // Function: try_set
   // Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP.
   // ~try_set~ will always return a 1.
   virtual function bit [docs]try_set(T value);
      return 1;
   endfunction : try_set
   // Function: get
   // Returns the current value stored within the DAP.
   // If 'get' is called before a call to <set> or <try_set>, then
   // an error will be reported.
   virtual  function T [docs]get();
      if (!m_set) begin
                    $sformatf("Attempt to get value on '%s', but the data access policy forbits calling 'get' prior to calling 'set' or 'try_set'!",
      return m_value;
   endfunction : get

   // Function: try_get
   // Attempts to retrieve the current value stored within the DAP
   // If the value has not been 'set', then try_get will return a 0,
   // otherwise it will return a 1, and set ~value~ to the current
   // value stored within the DAP.
   virtual function bit [docs]try_get(output T value);
      if (!m_set) begin
        return 0;
      else begin
         value = m_value;
         return 1;
   endfunction : try_get

   // Group: Introspection
   // The ~uvm_set_before_get_dap~ cannot support the standard UVM
   // instrumentation methods (~copy~, ~clone~, ~pack~ and
   // ~unpack~), due to the fact that they would potentially 
   // violate the access policy.
   // A call to any of these methods will result in an error.

   virtual function void [docs]do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
                 "'copy()' is not supported for 'uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T)'")
   endfunction : do_copy

   virtual function void [docs]do_pack(uvm_packer packer);
                 "'pack()' is not supported for 'uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T)'")
   endfunction : do_pack

   virtual function void [docs]do_unpack(uvm_packer packer);
                 "'unpack()' is not supported for 'uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T)'")
   endfunction : do_unpack

   // Group- Reporting
   // Function- convert2string
   virtual function string [docs]convert2string();
      if (m_set)
        return $sformatf("(%s) %0p [SET]", `uvm_typename(m_value), m_value);
        return $sformatf("(%s) %0p [UNSET]", `uvm_typename(m_value), m_value);
   endfunction : convert2string
   // Function- do_print
   virtual function void [docs]do_print(uvm_printer printer);
      printer.print_field_int("set_state", m_set, $bits(m_set));
                            $sformatf("%0p", m_value));
   endfunction : do_print

endclass // uvm_set_before_get_dap