//   Copyright 2010 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
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// Title: TLM2 Export Classes
// This section defines the export classes for connecting TLM2
// interfaces.

// Class: uvm_tlm_b_transport_export
// Blocking transport export class.

class [docs]uvm_tlm_b_transport_export #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T));
  [docs]`UVM_EXPORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_B_MASK, "uvm_tlm_b_transport_export")
  `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP(this.m_if, T, t, delay)

// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export
// Non-blocking forward transport export class 

class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                   type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));
  [docs]`UVM_EXPORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK, "uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export")
  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP(this.m_if, T, P, t, p, delay)

// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export
// Non-blocking backward transport export class 

class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                   type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));
   // Function: new
  [docs]`UVM_EXPORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_NB_BW_MASK, "uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export")
  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP(this.m_if, T, P, t, p, delay)