//   Copyright 2010 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
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// Title: TLM Socket Base Classes
// A collection of base classes, one for each socket type.  The reason
// for having a base class for each socket is that all the socket (base)
// types must be known before connect is defined.  Socket connection
// semantics are provided in the derived classes, which are user
// visible.
// Termination Sockets - A termination socket must be the terminus
// of every TLM path.  A transaction originates with an initiator socket
// and ultimately ends up in a target socket.  There may be zero or more
// pass-through sockets between initiator and target.
// Pass-through Sockets - Pass-through initiators are ports and contain
// exports for instance IS-A port and HAS-A export. Pass-through targets
// are the opposite, they are exports and contain ports.

// Class: uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base
// IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload
// contents.
class [docs]uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T));

  function [docs]new (string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new (name, parent, UVM_IMPLEMENTATION, 1, 1);
    m_if_mask = `UVM_TLM_B_MASK;



// Class: uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base
// IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload
// contents
class [docs]uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T));

  [docs]`UVM_PORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_B_MASK, "uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket")
  `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP(this.m_if, T, t, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base
// IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port
class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                   type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));

  uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port #(T,P) bw_port;

  function [docs]new (string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new (name, parent, UVM_IMPLEMENTATION, 1, 1);
    m_if_mask = `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK;


  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP(bw_port, T, P, t, p, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base
// IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp
class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                      type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));

  function [docs]new (string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new (name, parent, UVM_PORT, 1, 1);
    m_if_mask = `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK;


  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP(this.m_if, T, P, t, p, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base
// IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export
class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                                  type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));

  uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export #(T,P) bw_export;

  function [docs]new (string name, uvm_component parent,
                int min_size=1, int max_size=1);
    super.new (name, parent, UVM_PORT, min_size, max_size);
    m_if_mask = `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK;
    bw_export = new("bw_export", get_comp());


  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP(this.m_if, T, P, t, p, delay)
  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP(bw_export, T, P, t, p, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base
// IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port
class [docs]uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
                                               type P=uvm_tlm_phase_e)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P));

  uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port #(T,P) bw_port;

  function [docs]new (string name, uvm_component parent,
                int min_size=1, int max_size=1);
    super.new (name, parent, UVM_EXPORT, min_size, max_size);
    m_if_mask = `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK;
    bw_port = new("bw_port", get_comp());


  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP(this.m_if, T, P, t, p, delay)
  `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP(bw_port, T, P, t, p, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base
// IS-A forward port
class [docs]uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T));

  [docs]`UVM_PORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_B_MASK, "uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket")
  `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP(this.m_if, T, t, delay)


// Class: uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base
// IS-A forward export
class [docs]uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base #(type T=uvm_tlm_generic_payload)
  extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T));

  [docs]`UVM_EXPORT_COMMON(`UVM_TLM_B_MASK, "uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket")
  `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP(this.m_if, T, t, delay)
