-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
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-- =============================================================================
-- Authors: Martin Zabel
-- Entity: Cache with cache controller to be used within a CPU
-- Description:
-- License:
-- =============================================================================
-- Copyright 2016-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- =============================================================================
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library poc;
use poc.utils.all;
-- This unit provides a cache (:ref:`IP:cache_par2`) together
-- with a cache controller which reads / writes cache lines from / to memory.
-- The memory is accessed using a :ref:`INT:PoC.Mem` interfaces, the related
-- ports and parameters are prefixed with ``mem_``.
-- The CPU side (prefix ``cpu_``) has a modified PoC.Mem interface, so that
-- this unit can be easily integrated into processor pipelines. For example,
-- let's have a pipeline where a load/store instruction is executed in 3
-- stages (after fetching, decoding, ...):
-- 1. Execute (EX) for address calculation,
-- 2. Load/Store 1 (LS1) for the cache access,
-- 3. Load/Store 2 (LS2) where the cache returns the read data.
-- The read data is always returned one cycle after the cache access completes,
-- so there is conceptually a pipeline register within this unit. The stage LS2
-- can be merged with a write-back stage if the clock period allows so.
-- The stage LS1 and thus EX and LS2 must stall, until the cache access is
-- completed, i.e., the EX/LS1 pipeline register must hold the cache request
-- until it is acknowledged by the cache. This is signaled by ``cpu_got`` as
-- described in Section Operation below. The pipeline moves forward (is
-- enabled) when::
-- pipeline_enable <= (not cpu_req) or cpu_got;
-- If the pipeline can stall due to other reasons, care must be taken to not
-- unintentionally executing the cache access twice or missing the read data.
-- Of course, the EX/LS1 pipeline register can be omitted and the CPU side
-- directly fed by the address caculator. But be aware of the high setup time
-- of this unit and high propate time for ``cpu_got``.
-- This unit supports only one outstanding CPU request. More outstanding
-- requests are provided by :ref:`IP:cache_mem`.
-- Configuration
-- *************
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | Parameter | Description |
-- +====================+=====================================================+
-- | REPLACEMENT_POLICY | Replacement policy of embedded cache. For supported |
-- | | values see PoC.cache_replacement_policy. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | CACHE_LINES | Number of cache lines. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | ASSOCIATIVITY | Associativity of embedded cache. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | CPU_ADDR_BITS | Number of address bits on the CPU side. Each address|
-- | | identifies one memory word as seen from the CPU. |
-- | | Calculated from other parameters as described below.|
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | CPU_DATA_BITS | Width of the data bus (in bits) on the CPU side. |
-- | | CPU_DATA_BITS must be divisible by 8. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | MEM_ADDR_BITS | Number of address bits on the memory side. Each |
-- | | address identifies one word in the memory. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- | MEM_DATA_BITS | Width of a memory word and of a cache line in bits. |
-- | | MEM_DATA_BITS must be divisible by CPU_DATA_BITS. |
-- +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
-- If the CPU data-bus width is smaller than the memory data-bus width, then
-- the CPU needs additional address bits to identify one CPU data word inside a
-- memory word. Thus, the CPU address-bus width is calculated from::
-- The write policy is: write-through, no-write-allocate.
-- Operation
-- *********
-- Alignment of Cache / Memory Accesses
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-- Memory accesses are always aligned to a word boundary. Each memory word
-- (and each cache line) consists of MEM_DATA_BITS bits.
-- For example if MEM_DATA_BITS=128:
-- * memory address 0 selects the bits 0..127 in memory,
-- * memory address 1 selects the bits 128..256 in memory, and so on.
-- Cache accesses are always aligned to a CPU word boundary. Each CPU word
-- consists of CPU_DATA_BITS bits. For example if CPU_DATA_BITS=32:
-- * CPU address 0 selects the bits 0.. 31 in memory word 0,
-- * CPU address 1 selects the bits 32.. 63 in memory word 0,
-- * CPU address 2 selects the bits 64.. 95 in memory word 0,
-- * CPU address 3 selects the bits 96..127 in memory word 0,
-- * CPU address 4 selects the bits 0.. 31 in memory word 1,
-- * CPU address 5 selects the bits 32.. 63 in memory word 1, and so on.
-- Shared and Memory Side Interface
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-- A synchronous reset must be applied even on a FPGA.
-- The memory side interface is documented in detail :ref:`here <INT:PoC.Mem>`.
-- CPU Side Interface
-- ++++++++++++++++++
-- The CPU (pipeline stage LS1, see above) issues a request by setting
-- ``cpu_req``, ``cpu_write``, ``cpu_addr``, ``cpu_wdata`` and ``cpu_wmask`` as
-- in the :ref:`INT:PoC.Mem` interface. The cache acknowledges the request by
-- setting ``cpu_got`` to '1'. If the request is not acknowledged (``cpu_got =
-- '0'``) in the current clock cycle, then the request must be repeated in the
-- following clock cycle(s) until it is acknowledged, i.e., the pipeline must
-- stall.
-- A cache access is completed when it is acknowledged. A new request can be
-- issued in the following clock cycle.
-- Of course, ``cpu_got`` may be asserted in the same clock cycle where the
-- request was issued if a read hit occurs. This allows a throughput of one
-- (read) request per clock cycle, but the drawback is, that ``cpu_got`` has a
-- high propagation delay. Thus, this output should only control a simple
-- pipeline enable logic.
-- When ``cpu_got`` is asserted for a read access, then the read data will be
-- available in the following clock cycle.
-- Due to the write-through policy, a write will always take several clock
-- cycles and acknowledged when the data has been issued to the memory.
-- .. WARNING::
-- If the design is synthesized with Xilinx ISE / XST, then the synthesis
-- option "Keep Hierarchy" must be set to SOFT or TRUE.
-- SeeAlso:
-- :ref:`IP:cache_mem`
entity [docs]cache_cpu is
generic (
CACHE_LINES : positive;
CPU_DATA_BITS : positive;
MEM_ADDR_BITS : positive;
MEM_DATA_BITS : positive
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- clock
rst : in std_logic; -- reset
-- "CPU" side
cpu_req : in std_logic;
cpu_write : in std_logic;
cpu_addr : in unsigned(log2ceil(MEM_DATA_BITS/CPU_DATA_BITS)+MEM_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
cpu_wdata : in std_logic_vector(CPU_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
cpu_wmask : in std_logic_vector(CPU_DATA_BITS/8-1 downto 0);
cpu_got : out std_logic;
cpu_rdata : out std_logic_vector(CPU_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
-- Memory side
mem_req : out std_logic;
mem_write : out std_logic;
mem_addr : out unsigned(MEM_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
mem_wdata : out std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
mem_wmask : out std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS/8-1 downto 0);
mem_rdy : in std_logic;
mem_rstb : in std_logic;
mem_rdata : in std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture [docs]rtl of cache_cpu is
-- Ratio 1:n between CPU data bus and cache-line size (memory data bus)
constant RATIO : positive := MEM_DATA_BITS/CPU_DATA_BITS;
-- Number of address bits identifying the CPU data word within a cache line (memory word)
constant LOWER_ADDR_BITS : natural := log2ceil(RATIO);
-- Widened CPU data path
signal cpu_wdata_wide : std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal cpu_wmask_wide : std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS/8-1 downto 0);
-- Interface to Cache instance.
signal cache_Request : std_logic;
signal cache_ReadWrite : std_logic;
signal cache_Writemask : std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS/8-1 downto 0);
signal cache_Invalidate : std_logic;
signal cache_Replace : std_logic;
signal cache_Address : std_logic_vector(MEM_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal cache_LineIn : std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal cache_LineOut : std_logic_vector(MEM_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal cache_Hit : std_logic;
signal cache_Miss : std_logic;
-- FSM and other state registers
signal fsm_cs : T_FSM -- current state
-- synthesis translate_off
-- synthesis translate_on
signal fsm_ns : T_FSM;-- next state
begin -- architecture rtl
cache_inst: entity work.cache_par2
generic map (
HIT_MISS_REG => false)
port map (
Clock => clk,
Reset => rst,
Request => cache_Request,
ReadWrite => cache_ReadWrite,
WriteMask => cache_WriteMask,
Invalidate => cache_Invalidate,
Replace => cache_Replace,
Address => cache_Address,
CacheLineIn => cache_LineIn,
CacheLineOut => cache_LineOut,
CacheHit => cache_Hit,
CacheMiss => cache_Miss,
OldAddress => open);
-- Address and Data path
-- ===========================================================================
gEqual: if RATIO = 1 generate -- Cache line size equals CPU data bus size
cpu_wdata_wide <= cpu_wdata;
cpu_wmask_wide <= cpu_wmask;
cpu_rdata <= cache_LineOut;
end generate gEqual;
gWider: if RATIO > 1 generate -- Cache line size is greater than CPU data bus size
signal lower_addr : unsigned(LOWER_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal lower_addr_r : unsigned(LOWER_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
type T_ARRAY is array(0 to RATIO-1) of std_logic_vector(CPU_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal cache_LineOut_array : T_ARRAY;
-- CPU Request Data Path
lower_addr <= cpu_addr(LOWER_ADDR_BITS-1 downto 0);
l0: for i in 0 to RATIO-1 generate
cpu_wdata_wide((i+1)*CPU_DATA_BITS-1 downto i*CPU_DATA_BITS) <= cpu_wdata;
cpu_wmask_wide((i+1)*CPU_DATA_BITS/8-1 downto i*CPU_DATA_BITS/8) <=
-- synthesis translate_off
(others => 'X') when is_x(lower_addr) else
-- synthesis translate_on
cpu_wmask when to_integer(lower_addr) = i else
(others => '1');
end generate l0;
-- CPU Reply Data Path
lower_addr_r <= lower_addr when rising_edge(clk); -- pipeline register
l1: for i in 0 to RATIO-1 generate
cache_LineOut_array(i) <= cache_LineOut((i+1)*CPU_DATA_BITS-1 downto i*CPU_DATA_BITS);
end generate l1;
cpu_rdata <=
-- synthesis translate_off
(others => 'X') when is_x(lower_addr_r) else
-- synthesis translate_on
end generate gWider;
-- Cache Request Data Path
cache_Address <= std_logic_vector(cpu_addr(cpu_addr'left downto LOWER_ADDR_BITS));
cache_LineIn <= mem_rdata when fsm_cs = READING_MEM else cpu_wdata_wide;
cache_WriteMask <= (others => '0') when fsm_cs = READING_MEM else cpu_wmask_wide;
-- These outputs can be fed from buffer registers, but this is not
-- neccessary because the cpu_* signals will typically be connected to a
-- pipeline register. And even if this pipeline register is omitted, then the
-- cache tag comparison will dominate the critical path.
mem_write <= cpu_write;
mem_addr <= cpu_addr(cpu_addr'left downto LOWER_ADDR_BITS);
mem_wdata <= cpu_wdata_wide;
mem_wmask <= cpu_wmask_wide;
-- FSM
-- ===========================================================================
process(fsm_cs, cpu_req, cpu_write, cache_Hit, cache_Miss, mem_rdy, mem_rstb)
-- Update state registers
fsm_ns <= fsm_cs;
-- Control signals for cache access
cache_Request <= '0';
cache_ReadWrite <= '-';
cache_Invalidate <= '-';
cache_Replace <= '0';
-- Control / status signals for CPU and MEM side
cpu_got <= '0';
mem_req <= '0';
case fsm_cs is
when READY =>
-- Ready for a new cache access.
-- -----------------------------
cache_Request <= to_x01(cpu_req);
cache_ReadWrite <= to_x01(cpu_write); -- doesn't care if no request
cache_Invalidate <= '0';
case ((cache_Hit and cpu_write) or cache_Miss) is
when '1' => -- write successfull but write-through, or cache miss
fsm_ns <= ACCESS_MEM;
when '0' => -- read successfull, or no request
cpu_got <= to_x01(cpu_req);
when others => -- invalid input
fsm_ns <= UNKNOWN;
cpu_got <= 'X';
end case;
when ACCESS_MEM =>
-- Access memory.
-- --------------
mem_req <= '1';
case to_x01(mem_rdy) is
when '1' => -- access granted
case to_x01(cpu_write) is
when '1' => fsm_ns <= READY; cpu_got <= '1'; -- write
when '0' => fsm_ns <= READING_MEM; -- read
when others => fsm_ns <= UNKNOWN; cpu_got <= 'X'; -- invalid input
end case;
when '0' => null; -- still waiting
when others => fsm_ns <= UNKNOWN; -- invalid input
end case;
-- Wait for incoming read data and write it to cache.
-- --------------------------------------------------
cache_ReadWrite <= '1';
case to_x01(mem_rstb) is
when '1' => -- read data available
fsm_ns <= READY;
cpu_got <= '1'; -- cache access is complete now
cache_Replace <= '1'; -- replace cache line
-- The new data will be available on cache_LineOut in the following
-- clock cycle.
when '0' => null;-- still waiting
when others => -- invalid input
fsm_ns <= UNKNOWN;
cpu_got <= 'X';
cache_Replace <= 'X';
end case;
when UNKNOWN =>
-- Catches invalid state transitions.
-- ----------------------------------
fsm_ns <= UNKNOWN;
cpu_got <= 'X';
cache_Request <= 'X';
cache_ReadWrite <= 'X';
cache_Invalidate <= 'X';
cache_Replace <= 'X';
end case;
end process;
if rising_edge(clk) then
case to_x01(rst) is
when '1' =>
fsm_cs <= READY;
when '0' =>
fsm_cs <= fsm_ns;
when others =>
fsm_cs <= UNKNOWN;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end architecture rtl;