Getting started with Specador

Download a DVT (Design and Verification Tools) distro and set the DVT_HOME and DVT_LICENSE_FILE environment variables accordingly.

Specador can be invoked in batch mode using the script.


$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang vlog -cmd /path/to/simulation.f -title "MY CHIP"
$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang vhdl -cmd /path/to/file_list.f -preferences /path/to/specador_preferences.xml
$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang e -ignore_compile_errors -cmd irun.args -title "USB 3.0 uVC"

Available arguments

-cmd FILE

Compile using the specified compilation arguments file. If not specified, compilation arguments are automatically detected by scanning the current working directory for source files.

-lang (vlog|vhdl|elang)

Specify the language of your project. This argument can be specified multiple times for mixed-language projects.


Generate an XML file with all supported preferences and their default value.

-preferences FILE

Use the preferences specified in the XML file to customize the generated documentation.

-title TITLE

Use specified title. It has precedence over the title specified by preferences.


Set the output format to PDF.


When generating documentation in PDF format, latexmk, texlive-luatex and texlive-formats-extra packages are required as dependencies.

-index FILE

Provide a custom Table of Contents description.

-attach DIR

Provide a path containing files to be included in the generation process.

-diagram_generation_timeout SECONDS

Increase the timeout when generating a diagram (default: 30 seconds).

-diagram_layout_attempts ATTEMPTS

Increase the layout attempts when generating a diagram (default: 3 attempts).


Ignore build configuration errors.


Ignore compile errors.

-compile_waivers FILE

Waive compilation errors using the waivers specified in the XML file.


Print all compile problems. Include waived problems if used with -print_compile_waivers_info.


Prints how many problems each compile waiver has matched.


Turn on minimal output.

-stack_size SIZE

Set the Java thread stack size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 4m.

-heap_size SIZE

Set the Java heap size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]) (default is 3072m).

-license_queue_timeout TIMEOUT

Maximum time in seconds to wait in queue for a license when one is not available.

-log FILE

Log output to specified file.


Print help and exit.

Enable Specador in macOS x64


The binaries required by Specador, when running on macOS x64, need to be installed manually by following the steps below:

  • Install at least Python 3.10

  • Install Specador requirements using pip (Python package manager)

  • Set the DVT_PYTHON_BIN environment variable to the path of your Python 3.10 binary, e.g. /usr/local/bin/python3.10