How to Run in Batch Mode

Specador can be invoked in batch mode using the script from the DVT (Design and Verification Tools) distro.


$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang vlog -cmd /path/to/simulation.f -title "MY CHIP"
$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang vhdl -cmd /path/to/file_list.f -preferences /path/to/specador_preferences.xml
$ $DVT_HOME/bin/ -lang e -ignore_compile_errors -cmd irun.args -title "USB 3.0 uVC"

Available arguments

-cmd FILE

Compile using the specified compilation arguments file. If not specified, compilation arguments are automatically detected by scanning the current working directory for source files.

-lang (vlog|vhdl|elang)

Specify the language of your project. This argument can be specified multiple times for mixed-language projects.


Generate an XML file with all supported preferences and their default value.

-preferences FILE

Use the preferences specified in the XML file to customize the generated documentation.

-title TITLE

Use specified title. It has precedence over the title specified by preferences.


Set the output format to PDF.


When generating documentation in PDF format, latexmk, texlive-luatex and texlive-formats-extra packages are required as dependencies.

-index FILE

Provide a custom Table of Contents description.

-attach DIR

Provide a path containing files to be included in the generation process.

-diagram_generation_timeout SECONDS

Increase the timeout when generating a diagram (default: 30 seconds).

-diagram_layout_attempts ATTEMPTS

Increase the layout attempts when generating a diagram (default: 3 attempts).


Ignore build configuration errors.


Ignore compile errors.

-compile_waivers FILE

Waive compilation errors using the waivers specified in the XML file.


Print all compile problems. Include waived problems if used with -print_compile_waivers_info.


Prints how many problems each compile waiver has matched.


Turn on minimal output.

-stack_size SIZE

Set the Java thread stack size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 4m.

-heap_size SIZE

Set the Java heap size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]) (default is 3072m).

-license_queue_timeout TIMEOUT

Maximum time in seconds to wait in queue for a license when one is not available.

-log FILE

Log output to specified file.


Print help and exit.