
Latest version is 24.2.24 released on 14 October 2024

All our products are installed by unpacking a zip file which contains a distribution. A distribution includes the selected Eclipse Platform, additional plugins for Eclipse, VSCodium and a compatible Java Runtime Environment.

DVT IDE can also be installed as an Eclipse plugin or a VS Code extension.

Plugins pre-installed in all distros:

  • ANYEDIT (AnyEditTools)
  • CSV (org.fhsolution.eclipse.feature.csvedit)
  • EMACS (com.mulgasoft.emacsplus)
  • INDENT_GUIDE ( - Only in distros based on Eclipse >=4.11
  • VI (com.mbartl.eclipse.viplugin.feature)
  • XML (org.eclipse.wst.xml)

Plugins that you can manually enable using:

dvt_kit_installer.[sh|bat] install [list of plugins]

Revision Control System Plugins:

  • CVS (org.eclipse.cvs)
  • CLEARCASE (net.sourceforge.eclipseccase)
  • GIT (org.eclipse.egit)
  • PERFORCE.2020 (
  • PERFORCE.2018 ( - Only in distros based on Eclipse <=4.11
  • SVN (

Language Support Plugins:

  • BASH (de.jcup.basheditor)
  • CPP (org.eclipse.cdt)
  • JAVA (org.eclipse.jdt)
  • JSON (jsonedit-feature)
  • LUA (org.eclipse.ldt) - Only in distros based on Eclipse <=4.11
  • PERL (org.epic.feature.main)
  • PYTHON (org.python.pydev.feature)
  • RUBY (org.eclipse.dltk.ruby) - Only in distros based on Eclipse <=4.11
  • TCL (org.eclipse.dltk.tcl)
  • YAML (de.jcup.yamleditor)

Review and Task Management Plugins:

  • GERRIT (org.eclipse.egerrit.feature) - Only in distros based on Eclipse >=4.6
  • MYLYN (org.eclipse.mylyn_feature)

Other Plugins:

  • EDITOR_CONFIG (editorconfig-eclipse-feature)

To replace the pre-installed ViPlugin with Vrapper you can run:

$DVT_HOME/bin/    \
  -d com.mbartl.eclipse.viplugin.feature \
  -i net.sourceforge.vrapper             \

To restore the pre-installed ViPlugin and remove Vrapper you can run:

$DVT_HOME/bin/    \
  -d net.sourceforge.vrapper             \
  -i com.mbartl.eclipse.viplugin.feature \

The version of these plugins might be different across distros because it depends on the Eclipse version. To find out the exact version inside a distro run:

dvt_kit_installer.[sh|bat] help
Download a DVT distribution version for with Eclipse

After the download is completed please follow the instructions for installing in a location:
  • Log in with the user that has write permission in the deployment location
  • Unzip the distribution and dvt_eclipse folder will be created
  • (Windows) It is recommended to run the scripts using Command Prompt instead of PowerShell
  • Set DVT_HOME environment variable to point to the extracted dvt_eclipse directory
  • (MacOS) Since DVT distributions are not downloaded from App Store, if MacOS's Gatekeeper is enabled it will prevent you from running DVT and throw the following error: "App is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the trash.", you can disable this check on DVT by running: sudo xattr -rd $DVT_HOME
  • Install additional plugins. using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\dvt_kit_installer.bat (Windows)
  • Remove write permission for other users using: chmod -R go-w dvt_eclipse (Linux/MacOS)
  • Log off the user with write access
  • Set the license:
    • The license must be passed to the application through one of the following environment variables: DVT_LICENSE_FILE, DVTLMD_LICENSE_FILE, LM_LICENSE_FILE
    • Environment variables will be read in the order above and the first non-empty value will be used, the others will be ignored. Any variable containing only the string "FLEXLM" (case-insensitive) will be ignored.
    • Environment variables must be set before starting the application and the application must inherit the variables (e.g. when setting the variables in a terminal the application must be started from the same terminal).
    • The license environment variable must contain one or more FlexLM license sources:
      • File-system path of a license file: /path/to/dvt.lic
      • License server address as port@host: 27001@licsrv
      • Three-server redundancy triad with comma ( , ) separated license servers: 27001@licsrv1,27001@licsrv2,30001@licsrv3
      • File-system path of a directory containing one or more license files with .lic extension: /path/to/lic_dir
      • Multiline string with the content of a license file surrounded by three curly brackets: {{{...}}}
    • Multiple license sources, with the exception of multiline string, can be specified by separating them with:
      • colon ( : ) on Linux/MacOS,
      • semicolon ( ; ) on Windows,
      • ampersand ( & ) on any OS
  • Start DVT using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\dvt.bat (Windows)
  • Start Verissimo using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\verissimo.bat (Windows)
  • Start Specador using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\specador.bat (Windows)

  • Unzip the distribution and dvt_eclipse folder will be created
  • (Windows) It is recommended to run the scripts using Command Prompt instead of PowerShell
  • Set DVT_HOME environment variable to point to the extracted dvt_eclipse directory
  • (MacOS) Since DVT distributions are not downloaded from App Store, if MacOS's Gatekeeper is enabled it will prevent you from running DVT and throw the following error: "App is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the trash.", you can disable this check on DVT by running: sudo xattr -rd $DVT_HOME
  • Install additional plugins. using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\dvt_kit_installer.bat (Windows)
  • Set the license:
    • The license must be passed to the application through one of the following environment variables: DVT_LICENSE_FILE, DVTLMD_LICENSE_FILE, LM_LICENSE_FILE
    • Environment variables will be read in the order above and the first non-empty value will be used, the others will be ignored. Any variable containing only the string "FLEXLM" (case-insensitive) will be ignored.
    • Environment variables must be set before starting the application and the application must inherit the variables (e.g. when setting the variables in a terminal the application must be started from the same terminal).
    • The license environment variable must contain one or more FlexLM license sources:
      • File-system path of a license file: /path/to/dvt.lic
      • License server address as port@host: 27001@licsrv
      • Three-server redundancy triad with comma ( , ) separated license servers: 27001@licsrv1,27001@licsrv2,30001@licsrv3
      • File-system path of a directory containing one or more license files with .lic extension: /path/to/lic_dir
      • Multiline string with the content of a license file surrounded by three curly brackets: {{{...}}}
    • Multiple license sources, with the exception of multiline string, can be specified by separating them with:
      • colon ( : ) on Linux/MacOS,
      • semicolon ( ; ) on Windows,
      • ampersand ( & ) on any OS
  • Start DVT using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or  %DVT_HOME%\bin\dvt.bat (Windows)
  • Start Verissimo using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\verissimo.bat (Windows)
  • Start Specador using $DVT_HOME/bin/ (Linux/MacOS) or %DVT_HOME%\bin\specador.bat (Windows)

Eclipse Update Site

DVT Eclipse IDE can be installed in custom Eclipse installations using the following update sites:
  • Latest version:
  • X.Y.Z version:
The archived update site can be downloaded from here:


DVT IDE for Visual Studio Code can be installed from Visual Studio Marketplace using ext install amiq.dvt command or by downloading the platform independent extension and using the "Extensions: Install from VSIX" command in the Command Palette. The extension requires VS Code >= 1.93.1.