Ruleset Editor
The Ruleset Editor can be generated from the DVT Eclipse by going to the Verissimo menu and selecting Open Ruleset Editor, from the DVT for VSCode by opening the Command Palette and using Verissimo: Open Ruleset Editor or by using the batch mode flag ‘ruleset_editor’.
The Ruleset Editor has 2 modes.
The Rule Select Mode.
The Edit Ruleset Mode.
When it starts, the Rule Select mode is active. To switch between modes, the top-left corner buttons can be used.
Rule Select Mode
The Rule Select Mode can be used to choose the rules in the generated Custom Ruleset.

Available Buttons
Edit Ruleset Mode: Changes the current mode to the Edit Ruleset Mode.
Add to Custom Ruleset: Adds the rule to the Custom Ruleset, then switches to Remove from Custom Ruleset.
Remove from Custom Ruleset: Removes the rule from the Custom Ruleset, then switches to Add to Custom Ruleset.
Hide Added Rules: When active, hides all the rules that have already been added to the Custom Ruleset.
Select All Rules: Selects all the displayed rules.
Select Category: Selects all the displayed rules in the category.
Select: Selects the rule.
Once a rule is added, its table changes color and it can no longer be selected.

Once a rule is selected, several other buttons appear.

Available buttons when at least a rule is selected
Add to Category: Adds the current selection of rules to a category.
Clear Selection: Clears all of the displayed rules in the current selection.
Clear Selection: Under category, clears the displayed rules in the current selection for the category.
Upon clicking the Add to Category button, a dialog is displayed, allowing the user to select the category to which the currently selected rules should be added.

Available Options
Use default category for each rule: Adds each rule to their predefined category.
Choose from existing category: Allows the user to choose a category from the predefined category or from previously added custom categories.
Choose new category: Adds all the rules in the current selection to a new category, for which the name can be specified in the input field.
Press done to finish adding the rules in the specified category, or press cancel to modify the current selection of rules.
Edit Ruleset Mode
The Edit Ruleset Mode can be switched to by clicking the Edit Ruleset Mode button.

Available Buttons
Rule Select Mode: Changes the current mode to the Rule Select Mode.
Generate Custom Ruleset: Generates the ruleset XML file that can be downloaded.
Remove from Custom Ruleset: Removes the rule from the Custom Ruleset.
Duplicate Rule: Duplicates the rule and sets a different name for the duplicate.
Select All Rules: Selects all the displayed rules.
Select Category: Selects all the displayed rules in the category.
Select: Selects the rule.
Once a rule is selected, several other buttons appear.

Available buttons when at least a rule is selected.
Move to Category: Moves the current selection of rules to a category.
Remove rules: Removes the current selection of rules from the Custom Ruleset.
Clear Selection: Clears the displayed rules in the current selection.
Clear Selection: Under category, clears the displayed rules in the current selection for the category.
Upon clicking the Move to Category button, a dialog is displayed, allowing the user to change the category of the current selection of rules.

Available Options
Choose from existing category: Allows the user to choose a category from the categories already in the Custom Ruleset.
Choose new category: Adds all the rules in the current selection to a new category, for which the name can be specified in the input field.
Press done to finish changing the category, or press cancel to modify the current selection of rules.
The customization of the rule can be done using the input fields in the table of the rule.

Customizable fields
Name: Set the name of the rule. See Ruleset File Syntax (XML) for more details.
Severity: Set the severity of the rule. Default is ERROR. See Ruleset File Syntax (XML) ref for more details.
Description: Set or modify the description of the rule.
Parameters Values: If existing, set the values for the parameters. Each parameter is pre-filled with the default value. More details regarding each parameter can be found in the Parameters Description row of the table.
Autocorrect Parameters Values: If existing, set the values for the auto-correct parameters. Each auto-correct parameter is pre-filled with the default value. More details regarding each auto-correct parameter can be found in the Autocorrect Parameters Description row of the table.