Generate and Open Resources

Generate resources without running a linting session

You can generate documentation for any available ruleset (predefined or custom) by using the Verissimo: Generate… command and selecting the Generate Ruleset Documentation… option.

You can generate the XML file for any predefined ruleset by using the Verissimo: Generate… command and selecting the Generate Ruleset XML… option.

Generate resources based on the current linting session

As soon as linting is done, use the Verissimo: Lint Project… command and select one of the following:

  1. (Generate and) Open HTML Report. Generates and opens a HTML report based on the current state of the linting session.

  2. Generate and Open Ruleset Documentation. Generates and opens the documentation of the currently used ruleset.

To inspect and alter the current Ruleset XML or Waivers XML files, use the Verissimo: Lint Project… command and select one of the following options:

  1. Open Ruleset File.

  2. Open Waivers File.