How to Customize Source Code Coloring in the DVT Eclipse IDE


DVT allows you to easily follow the semantics of your source code at a glance. This video presents how you can easily tune the predefined coloring scheme of DVT.

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This video was shot using DVT 23.1.9.



DVT augments the source code presented in editors with various kinds of information extracted during the design and testbench compilation and elaboration. Both the syntax and semantics of the language are used for highlighting the code with colors and font styles.

Examples of Code Highlighting

Notice, for example, how module ports are distinctively colored in green versus signals in black. Furthermore, input ports are in italic fonts, making them easily distinguishable from output ports. Enum names, parameters, and preprocessing macros —broadly speaking constants— are represented in boldface fonts.

Customizing Coloring

To customize coloring, go to the Window menu, Preferences, and locate the Syntax Coloring preference page. Select the category you wish to modify, and set the desired color and font style. A code sample in the Syntax Coloring preference page helps you preview the changes instantly.