
June 20th, 2024

AMIQ EDA at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

As veterans in the EDA industry we know many people from other vendors and organizations, so DAC is a great opportunity to catch up. Finally, the location in San Francisco is just an hour from the heart of Silicon Valley, so we always stay a few extra days to visit users at their facilities. Quite often we will offer a short training course for new users or a presentation on the latest features for those who already know us. Everyone is interested in what’s new and what we’re working on for the future.

February 20th, 2024

Handling Preprocessed Files in a Hardware IDE

I learned that users of the AMIQ EDA Design and Verification Tools (DVT) IDE family want to have access to all their favorite features even when editing files with preprocessor code. The AMIQ EDA team developed clever heuristics to enable full IDE capabilities when editing such files, just as they do with pure SystemVerilog. These features include navigational hyperlinks, autocomplete, on-the-fly error detection, quick fixes, refactoring, and all the advanced functionality DVT IDE users are addicted to.

February 7th, 2024

2024 Outlook with Cristian Amitroaie, Founder and CEO of AMIQ EDA

For customer support, we’re investing in leveraged assets such as more intuitive user interfaces, more detailed documentation, and demo movies showing how to use our tools. We increased our investment in product quality by growing our QA team and enhancing our regression test suites. On the hiring side, we’ve found that an extensive internship program is a great way to find and train the best engineers.

August 23rd, 2023

Using Linting to Write Error-Free Testbench Code

This is the story of a team at Siemens that has integrated Verissimo SystemVerilog Linter into their verification process with impressive results. They noticed a significant increase in the quality and reliability of their code. This resulted in reusable, maintainable, and manageable verification IP components. The team used Verissimo to check more than 510 linting rules, reviewing this list regularly and adding new rules as they became available.

July 6th, 2023

AMIQ Celebrating 20 Years in Consulting and EDA

Why did you start AMIQ?
To practice engineering within the semiconductor industry and help customers with high quality services and products
To give something back to the environment that we sprouted from and to prove it is possible to create value with local capital
To work with smart people who have a passion for engineering and to never work for incompetent managers again!

November 22nd, 2022

A Hardware IDE for VS Code Fans

I wondered whether there were any technical reasons to choose one version of DVT IDE over the other. Cristian said that they have worked very hard to make the two implementations as equivalent in functionality as possible. They have a common engine behind both interfaces to ensure consistency in code compilation and analysis. However, there are some differences in the user experience due to the different technologies used by the underlying platforms.

June 29th, 2022

Using an IDE to Accelerate Hardware Language Learning

A discussion with Dr. Srinivas Boppu, Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar.

March 31st, 2022

AMIQ EDA Adds Support for Visual Studio Code to DVT IDE Family

The product enables engineers to inspect a project through diagrams. Designers can use HDL diagrams such as schematic, state machine, and flow diagrams. Verification engineers can use UML diagrams such as inheritance and collaboration diagrams. Diagrams are hyperlinked and synchronized with the source code and can be saved for documentation purposes.

March 30th, 2022

Ensuring Correctness and Quality of RISC-V Testbenches

Verissimo found many dozens of issues in the testbench code. The Verification Task Group had developed extensive coding guidelines for SystemVerilog and UVM, but they had not previously had an automated way to check them. Unsurprisingly, there were some violations.

February 21st, 2022

Automated Documentation of Space-Borne FPGA Designs

Documentation turned out to be a big challenge. Given that we’re developing a whole new type of application, our design is quite novel, and it evolved a lot over the course of the project as we learned new things and added more functionality. Every time this happened, it was vital that the design documentation be updated correctly to match the design changes. Of course, when a module changes, designers of the adjoining modules need to know.