DVT IDE for VS Code VHDL User Guide
Rev. 24.2.24, 14 October 2024

17.7 Preferences Keys

Formatting preferences are serialized as key-value pairs, by default under $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json.

Preference Name Details Preference Key Default Value
AttributesControls the attributes capitalization: Leave as is (1), All upper case (2), All lower case (3). DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.capitalization.attributes"Leave as is"
Data TypesControls the data types capitalization: Leave as is, All upper case, All lower case. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.capitalization.dataTypes"Leave as is"
KeywordsControls the keywords capitalization: Leave as is, All upper case, All lower case. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.capitalization.keywords"Leave as is"
Add Whitespace AfterList of tokens after which whitespace will be added.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.addWhitespaceAfter[]
Add Whitespace BeforeList of tokens before which whitespace will be added.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.addWhitespaceBefore[]
Compact Whitespace GroupsControls whether to compact consecutive whitespace characters.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.compactWhitespaceGroupsfalse
Compact Consecutive Empty LinesControls whether to compact consecutive empty lines.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.compactConsecutiveEmptyLinesfalse
Maximum Number Of Consecutive Empty LinesMaximum number of consecutive empty lines that can appear in a file.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.maximumNumberOfConsecutiveEmptyLines1
Insert spacesInsert spaces when pressing tab.editor.insertSpacestrue
Tab widthControls the size of a tab in spaces.editor.tabSize4
Trim End of Line WhitespaceControls whether to trim end of line whitespaces.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.trimEndOfLineWhitespacetrue
Trim Whitespace LinesControls whether to trim lines containing only whitespaces.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.whitespace.trimWhitespaceLinestrue
Do Not Indent Single Line Comments At Beginning Of LineControls whether to indent single line comments starting at the beginning of a line.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.doNotIndentSingleLineCommentsAtBeginningOfLinetrue
Enable More Parameters Per Line If Less ThanControls whether to place parameters on the same line when their number does not exceed a certain value and the Parameters preference is set to One per line (open parenthesis on the same line) or One per line (open parenthesis on the next line). DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.enableMoreParametersPerLineIfLessThanfalse
Indent Multi Line CommentsControls whether to indent multi-line comments.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.indentMultiLineCommentstrue
Ignore Lines Starting WithList of line prefixes matching lines that will be ignored while indenting.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.ignoreLinesStartingWith[]
More Parameters Per Line If Less ThanMaximum number of parameters that can appear on a line when Enable More Parameters Per Line If Less Than is enabled. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.moreParametersPerLineIfLessThan5
No Indent KeywordsSelection of language keywords that will not increase indentation.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.noIndentKeywords 
ParametersControls the placement of port, generic, map, function and procedure elements: Leave as is, One per line (open parenthesis on the same line), One per line (open parenthesis on the next line), More per line. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.parameters"Leave as is"
ThenControls the placement of `then`: Leave as is, On a new line, On the same line. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.indentation.then"Leave as is"
Vertical Alignment    
Enable Vertical AlignControls whether to enable vertical alignment.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.enableVerticalAlignmentfalse
Only Consecutive LinesWhen enabled, only consecutive lines (lines that follow each other or are separated by comment lines) are vertically aligned.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.onlyConsecutiveLinesfalse
Vertical Align PatternsVertically align code using patterns: Constant Declarations, Port Declarations, Record Declarations, Signal Declarations, Variable Declarations, Variable, Signal, Constant Declarations. DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.verticalAlignPatterns 
Vertical Align Single Line CommentsControls whether single line comments are vertically aligned.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.verticalAlignSingleLineCommentsfalse
Vertical Align To Open ParenthesisControls whether to vertically align relative to open parenthesis.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.verticalAlignToOpenParenthesisfalse
Vertical Alignment TokensList of tokens used for splitting lines in the same scope in vertically aligned columns.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.verticalAlignment.verticalAlignTokens "<=", "=>"
Line Wrapping    
Enable Line WrappingControls whether to enable line wrapping.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.lineWrapping.enableLineWrappingfalse
Line WidthNumber of characters on a line after wrapping the line.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.lineWrapping.lineWidth80
Wrap Multi Line CommentsControls whether multi-line comments are wrapped.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.lineWrapping.wrapMultiLineCommentsfalse
Wrap Single Line CommentsControls whether single line comments are wrapped and moved above the code.DVT.textEditor.vHDL.formatting.lineWrapping.wrapSingleLineCommentsfalse