How to Work with Multiple Build Configuration Files in the DVT Eclipse IDE


Multiple project compilation flavors - for example different plus define symbols or environment variables - can be mapped to different DVT build configurations. This video shows how you can define and switch between multiple build configurations.

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This video was shot using DVT 20.1.37


A DVT build configuration file contains the top source files list, include directories, +defined symbols, environment variables, and so on, basically configuring what gets compiled for a specific project.

Sometimes, projects have multiple flavors or layouts which can be mapped to multiple DVT build configurations.

Especially in large projects, you may consider partitioning the compilation, for example, only the design, only the test bench, or both.

Each of these can be defined in a separate build configuration file, and you can easily change the focus by switching the active build configuration file from the toolbar dropdown.

The project database is saved per build configuration. Going back to a previously built configuration restores the saved database.

All files with the build extension from the .dvt directory are considered distinct build configurations and show up in the toolbar drop-down list.

You can always check the current build configuration in the Set Current Build Configuration toolbar drop-down or look for the blue bullet which decorates the active build configuration file.