DVT IDE for VS Code SystemVerilog User Guide
Rev. 24.1.20, 4 September 2024

DVT IDE for VS Code SystemVerilog User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Installation
1.1. System Requirements
1.2. Install DVT for VS Code from Marketplace
1.3. Install DVT for VS Code from VSIX
1.4. Install DVT for VS Code Using a Pre-Packed Distribution
1.5. Set the License
2. User Interface
2.1. VS Code User Interface
2.2. DVT IDE for VS Code User Interface
2.2.1. Editor
2.2.2. Activity Bar
2.2.3. Side Bar
2.2.4. Status Bar
2.2.5. Panel
3. Predefined Projects
4. Build Configurations
4.1. Project Natures
4.2. Non-top files
4.3. default.build
4.4. Auto-config
4.5. Simulator Log-config
4.6. Emulating compiler invocations
4.7. Multiple .build Files
4.8. Compatibility Modes
4.8.1. Default DVT Compatibility Mode
4.8.2. gcc Compatibility Mode
4.8.3. ius.irun Compatibility Mode
4.8.4. ius.perspec Compatibility Mode
4.8.5. questa.vcom Compatibility Mode
4.8.6. questa.vlog Compatibility Mode
4.8.7. questa.qrun Compatibility Mode
4.8.8. vcs.vhdlan Compatibility Mode
4.8.9. vcs.vlogan Compatibility Mode
4.8.10. xcelium.xrun Compatibility Mode
4.9. Paths
4.10. Strings
4.12. Environment Variables
4.13. Including Other Argument Files
4.14. Build Persistence
4.15. All Build Directives
4.16. SystemVerilog OVM or UVM Library Compilation
4.17. Xilinx Libraries Compilation
4.18. Intel(Altera) Quartus Libraries Compilation
4.19. Questa Libraries Compilation
4.20. Use of External Programs
5. Compile Checks
5.1. Compile Waivers
5.2. Semantic Checks
5.3. Synthesis Checks
5.4. Performance Checks
5.5. Dead Code Checks
5.6. Non Standard Checks
6. Quick Fix Proposals
7. Content Assist (Autocomplete)
7.1. Content Assist for CamelCase and Underscore
7.2. Code Templates
7.3. Module Automatic Instantiation
7.4. Override Functions Using Autocomplete
7.5. Implement Extern Functions Using Autocomplete
7.6. Generate Setters and Getters Using Autocomplete
7.7. Use Assignment Pattern for Struct Type Variable
8. Hyperlinks
9. Show Usages
10. Show Readers or Writers
11. Show Call Hierarchy
12. Show Type Hierarchy
13. Show Constraints
14. Show Instances
15. Peek Exploration
16. Refactoring
17. Override Functions
17.1. Override Annotation
17.2. Override Using Command Palette
17.3. Override Using Autocomplete
18. Generate Setters and Getters
19. Code Factory
20. Code Formatting
20.1. Whitespace
20.2. Indentation
20.3. Vertical Alignment
20.4. Line Wrapping
20.5. Disable Format for Code Sections
20.6. Preferences Keys
21. Breadcrumb Navigation Bar
21.1. Design Breadcrumb
21.2. Verification Breadcrumb
21.3. Scope Breadcrumb
22. Diagrams
22.1. UML Diagrams
22.1.1. UML Diagram Actions
22.1.2. UML Diagram Preferences
22.1.3. UML Diagrams Legend
22.2. Design Diagrams
22.2.1. Schematic Diagrams
22.2.2. Flow Diagrams
22.2.3. Block Diagrams
22.2.4. Finite-State Machine Diagrams
22.2.5. Design Diagram Actions
22.2.6. Design Diagram Filters
22.3. UVM Components Diagrams
22.3.1. Component Diagrams from Verification Hierarchy
22.3.2. Component Diagrams from Simulation
22.3.3. Component Diagram Actions
22.3.4. Component Diagram Preferences
22.3.5. Component Diagram Filters
22.4. WaveDrom Timing Diagrams
22.5. Bit Field Diagrams
22.5.1. Bit Field Diagrams for UVM registers
22.5.2. Bit Field Diagrams for packed data types
22.6. Common Diagram Actions
22.7. Common Diagram Toolbar
23. Syntax Coloring
24. Tooltips
24.1. Comments Formatting
24.1.1. Javadoc
24.1.2. Natural Docs
25. Workspace Symbols
26.1. Compile Order View
26.1.1. Build Config Hierarchy
26.2. Compiled Files View
26.3. Config DB View
26.4. Design Hierarchy View
26.5. Diagnostics View
26.6. Factory Overrides View
26.7. Outline View
26.8. Problems View
26.9. Registers View
26.10. Verification Hierarchy View
27. Quick Search in Views
27.1. CamelCase
27.2. Simple Regex
27.3. Hierarchical Search
27.4. Search for Members
27.5. Search Port in Design Hierarchy
27.6. Search Port in Verification Hierarchy
28. Content Filters
28.1. Content Filters XML Syntax
28.2. Filtering by Element Type
28.3. Content Filters Examples
28.4. Predefined Content Filters
29. Macros Support
29.1. Inactive Code Highlight
29.2. Macro Expansion
30. Inactive Generates Code Highlight
31. Database Out of Sync Notification
32. Export HTML/PDF Documentation
32.1. Preview HTML Documentation
33. External Tools Integration
34. UVM Support
34.1. UVM Runtime Elaboration
34.2. Runtime UVM Configuration Queries
34.3. UVM Content Filters
34.4. UVM Sequence Tree
34.5. UVM Templates
34.6. UVM Verification Hierarchy
35. Scripts
35.1. dvt_code.sh
35.1.1. dvt_code.sh Syntax
35.1.2. dvt_code.sh Examples
35.2. dvt_ls.sh
35.2.1. dvt_ls.sh Syntax
35.2.2. dvt_ls.sh Examples
36. Custom Scripts
37. SCM Checkout Hook
38. Memory Monitor
39. Application Notes
39.1. Flow Integration
39.2. Environment Variables
39.3. Design Elaboration
39.3.1. Top candidates
39.3.2. Parameter values
39.3.3. Unelaborated Design
39.3.4. Debugging
39.3.5. Performance
39.4. Compilation Speed-up
39.5. Precompilation Support
39.6. Encrypted VIP Support
39.7. FPGA Support
39.7.1. Intel(Altera) Quartus
39.7.2. Xilinx ISE/Vivado
39.8. Preprocessed Files Support
39.9. Output and logging
39.10. Understanding DVT IDE memory usage
40. Handy VS Code Documentation Pointers
41. What is New?
42. How to Report an Issue?
43. Legal Notices
44. Third Party Licenses
45. Q & A
45.1. Can I deactivate DVT support for a workspace even though one of my workspace folders contains a .dvt directory?