
Class uvm_pkg::uvm_callbacks_base

uvm_pkg::uvm_callbacks_base + m_b_inst : this_type + m_derived_types[$] : uvm_typeid_base + m_pool : uvm_pool #(uvm_object, uvm_queue) + m_super_type : uvm_typeid_base + m_this_type[$] : this_type + m_tracing : bit + check_registration(): bit + m_add_tw_cbs(): void + m_am_i_a(): bit + m_delete_tw_cbs(): bit + m_get_tw_cb_q(): uvm_queue + m_initialize(): this_type + m_is_for_me(): bit + m_is_registered(): bit uvm_pkg::uvm_typed_callbacks <T>

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_callbacks_base

uvm_pkg::uvm_callbacks_base + m_b_inst : this_type + m_derived_types[$] : uvm_typeid_base + m_pool : uvm_pool #(uvm_object, uvm_queue) + m_super_type : uvm_typeid_base + m_this_type[$] : this_type + m_tracing : bit + check_registration(): bit + m_add_tw_cbs(): void + m_am_i_a(): bit + m_delete_tw_cbs(): bit + m_get_tw_cb_q(): uvm_queue + m_initialize(): this_type + m_is_for_me(): bit + m_is_registered(): bit uvm_pkg::uvm_callbacks_base.this_type uvm_pkg::uvm_pool <KEY, T> uvm_pkg::uvm_typeid_base m_b_inst m_pool m_this_type[] m_super_type m_derived_types[] [typedef]

Collaboration Diagram of uvm_callbacks_base



Base class singleton that holds generic queues for all instance specific objects. This is an internal class. This class contains a global pool that has all of the instance specific callback queues in it. All of the typewide callback queues live in the derivative class uvm_typed_callbacks#(T). This is not a user visible class.

This class holds the class inheritance hierarchy information (super types and derivative types).

Note, all derivative uvm_callbacks#() class singletons access this global m_pool object in order to get access to their specific instance queue.



Actual Type





check_registration(uvm_object obj, uvm_callback cb)

Check registration. To test registration, start at this class and work down the class hierarchy. If any class returns true then the pair is legal.
