Class uvm_pkg::uvm_factory
Inheritance Diagram of uvm_factory
- get()
Static accessor for uvm_factory
The static accessor is provided as a convenience wrapper around retrieving the factory via the uvm_coreservice_t::get_factory method.
// Using the uvm_coreservice_t: uvm_coreservice_t cs; uvm_factory f; cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); f = cs.get_factory();
// Not using the uvm_coreservice_t: uvm_factory f; f = uvm_factory::get();
- Return type:
- register(uvm_object_wrapper obj)
Registers the given proxy object, obj , with the factory. The proxy object is a lightweight substitute for the component or object it represents. When the factory needs to create an object of a given type, it calls the proxy's create_object or create_component method to do so.
When doing name-based operations, the factory calls the proxy's get_type_name method to match against the requested_type_name argument in subsequent calls to create_component_by_name and create_object_by_name. If the proxy object's get_type_name method returns the empty string, name-based lookup is effectively disabled.
- Parameters:
obj (uvm_object_wrapper)
- set_inst_override_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string full_inst_path)
- Parameters:
original_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
override_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
full_inst_path (string)
- set_inst_override_by_name(string original_type_name, string override_type_name, string full_inst_path)
Configures the factory to create an object of the override's type whenever a request is made to create an object of the original type using a context that matches full_inst_path . The original type is typically a super class of the override type.
When overriding by type, the original_type and override_type are handles to the types' proxy objects. Preregistration is not required.
When overriding by name, the original_type_name typically refers to a preregistered type in the factory. It may, however, be any arbitrary string. Future calls to any of the create_* methods with the same string and matching instance path will produce the type represented by override_type_name , which must be preregistered with the factory.
The full_inst_path is matched against the concatenation of { parent_inst_path , ".", name } provided in future create requests. The full_inst_path may include wildcards (* and ?) such that a single instance override can be applied in multiple contexts. A full_inst_path of "*" is effectively a type override, as it will match all contexts.
When the factory processes instance overrides, the instance queue is processed in order of override registrations, and the first override match prevails. Thus, more specific overrides should be registered first, followed by more general overrides.
- Parameters:
original_type_name (string)
override_type_name (string)
full_inst_path (string)
- set_type_override_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace = 1)
- Parameters:
original_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
override_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
replace (bit)
- set_type_override_by_name(string original_type_name, string override_type_name, bit replace = 1)
Configures the factory to create an object of the override's type whenever a request is made to create an object of the original type, provided no instance override applies. The original type is typically a super class of the override type.
When overriding by type, the original_type and override_type are handles to the types' proxy objects. Preregistration is not required.
When overriding by name, the original_type_name typically refers to a preregistered type in the factory. It may, however, be any arbitrary string. Future calls to any of the create_* methods with the same string and matching instance path will produce the type represented by override_type_name , which must be preregistered with the factory.
When replace is 1, a previous override on original_type_name is replaced, otherwise a previous override, if any, remains intact.
- Parameters:
original_type_name (string)
override_type_name (string)
replace (bit)
- create_object_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type, string parent_inst_path = "", string name = "")
- Parameters:
requested_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
- Return type:
- create_component_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type, string parent_inst_path = "", string name, uvm_component parent)
- Parameters:
requested_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
parent (uvm_component)
- Return type:
- create_object_by_name(string requested_type_name, string parent_inst_path = "", string name = "")
- Parameters:
requested_type_name (string)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
- Return type:
- create_component_by_name(string requested_type_name, string parent_inst_path = "", string name, uvm_component parent)
Creates and returns a component or object of the requested type, which may be specified by type or by name. A requested component must be derived from the uvm_component base class, and a requested object must be derived from the uvm_object base class.
When requesting by type, the requested_type is a handle to the type's proxy object. Preregistration is not required.
When requesting by name, the request_type_name is a string representing the requested type, which must have been registered with the factory with that name prior to the request. If the factory does not recognize the requested_type_name , an error is produced and a null handle returned.
If the optional parent_inst_path is provided, then the concatenation, { parent_inst_path , ".", name }, forms an instance path (context) that is used to search for an instance override. The parent_inst_path is typically obtained by calling the uvm_component::get_full_name on the parent.
If no instance override is found, the factory then searches for a type override.
Once the final override is found, an instance of that component or object is returned in place of the requested type. New components will have the given name and parent . New objects will have the given name , if provided.
Override searches are recursively applied, with instance overrides taking precedence over type overrides. If foo overrides bar , and xyz overrides foo , then a request for bar will produce xyz . Recursive loops will result in an error, in which case the type returned will be that which formed the loop. Using the previous example, if bar overrides xyz , then bar is returned after the error is issued.
- Parameters:
requested_type_name (string)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
parent (uvm_component)
- Return type:
- debug_create_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type, string parent_inst_path = "", string name = "")
- Parameters:
requested_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
- debug_create_by_name(string requested_type_name, string parent_inst_path = "", string name = "")
These methods perform the same search algorithm as the create_* methods, but they do not create new objects. Instead, they provide detailed information about what type of object it would return, listing each override that was applied to arrive at the result. Interpretation of the arguments are exactly as with the create_* methods.
- Parameters:
requested_type_name (string)
parent_inst_path (string)
name (string)
- find_override_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type, string full_inst_path)
- Parameters:
requested_type (uvm_object_wrapper)
full_inst_path (string)
- Return type:
- find_override_by_name(string requested_type_name, string full_inst_path)
These methods return the proxy to the object that would be created given the arguments. The full_inst_path is typically derived from the parent's instance path and the leaf name of the object to be created, i.e. { parent.get_full_name(), ".", name }.
- Parameters:
requested_type_name (string)
full_inst_path (string)
- Return type:
- find_wrapper_by_name(string type_name)
- Parameters:
type_name (string)
- Return type:
- print(int all_types = 1)
Prints the state of the uvm_factory, including registered types, instance overrides, and type overrides.
When all_types is 0, only type and instance overrides are displayed. When all_types is 1 (default), all registered user-defined types are printed as well, provided they have names associated with them. When all_types is 2, the UVM types (prefixed with uvm_) are included in the list of registered types.
- Parameters:
all_types (int)
As the name implies, uvm_factory is used to manufacture (create) UVM objects and components. Object and component types are registered with the factory using lightweight proxies to the actual objects and components being created. The <uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname)> and <uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname)> class are used to proxy uvm_objects and uvm_components.
The factory provides both name-based and type-based interfaces.
The type-based interface is far less prone to errors in usage. When errors do occur, they are caught at compile-time.
The name-based interface is dominated by string arguments that can be misspelled and provided in the wrong order. Errors in name-based requests might only be caught at the time of the call, if at all. Further, the name-based interface is not portable across simulators when used with parameterized classes.
The uvm_factory is an abstract class which declares many of its methods as pure virtual . The UVM uses the uvm_default_factory class as its default factory implementation.
See <uvm_default_factory::Usage> section for details on configuring and using the factory.