Class uvm_pkg::uvm_report_handler
Name |
Type |
Description |
id_verbosities |
id verbosity settings default and severity |
severity_id_verbosities |
id_actions |
actions |
severity_actions |
severity_id_actions |
sev_overrides |
severity overrides |
sev_id_overrides |
default_file_handle |
file handles default, severity, action, (severity,id) |
id_file_handles |
severity_file_handles |
severity_id_file_handles |
- new(string name = "uvm_report_handler")
Creates and initializes a new uvm_report_handler object.
- Parameters:
name (string)
- do_print(uvm_printer printer)
The uvm_report_handler implements the uvm_object::do_print() such that print method provides UVM printer formatted output of the current configuration. A snippet of example output is shown here:
uvm_test_top uvm_report_handler - @555 max_verbosity_level uvm_verbosity 32 UVM_FULL id_verbosities uvm_pool 3 - [ID1] uvm_verbosity 32 UVM_LOW severity_id_verbosities array 4 - [UVM_INFO:ID4] int 32 501 id_actions uvm_pool 2 - [ACT_ID] uvm_action 32 DISPLAY LOG COUNT severity_actions array 4 - [UVM_INFO] uvm_action 32 DISPLAY [UVM_WARNING] uvm_action 32 DISPLAY RM_RECORD COUNT [UVM_ERROR] uvm_action 32 DISPLAY COUNT [UVM_FATAL] uvm_action 32 DISPLAY EXIT default_file_handle int 32 'h1
- Parameters:
printer (uvm_printer)
- process_report_message(uvm_report_message report_message)
This is the common handler method used by the four core reporting methods (e.g. uvm_report_error) in uvm_report_object.
- Parameters:
report_message (uvm_report_message)
- format_action(uvm_action action)
Returns a string representation of the action , e.g., "DISPLAY".
- Parameters:
action (uvm_action)
- initialize()
Function- initialize
Internal method for initializing report handler.
- set_verbosity_level(int verbosity_level)
Function- set_verbosity_level
Internal method called by uvm_report_object.
- Parameters:
verbosity_level (int)
- get_verbosity_level(uvm_severity severity = UVM_INFO, string id = "")
Function- get_verbosity_level
Returns the verbosity associated with the given severity and id .
First, if there is a verbosity associated with the (severity,id) pair, return that. Else, if there is a verbosity associated with the id , return that. Else, return the max verbosity setting.
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
- get_action(uvm_severity severity, string id)
Function- get_action
Returns the action associated with the given severity and id .
First, if there is an action associated with the (severity,id) pair, return that. Else, if there is an action associated with the id , return that. Else, if there is an action associated with the severity , return that. Else, return the default action associated with the severity .
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
- Return type:
- get_file_handle(uvm_severity severity, string id)
Function- get_file_handle
Returns the file descriptor associated with the given severity and id .
First, if there is a file handle associated with the (severity,id) pair, return that. Else, if there is a file handle associated with the id , return that. Else, if there is an file handle associated with the severity , return that. Else, return the default file handle.
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
- set_severity_action(uvm_severity severity, uvm_action action)
Function- set_severity_action Function- set_id_action Function- set_severity_id_action Function- set_id_verbosity Function- set_severity_id_verbosity
Internal methods called by uvm_report_object.
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
action (uvm_action)
- set_id_action(string id, uvm_action action)
- Parameters:
id (string)
action (uvm_action)
- set_severity_id_action(uvm_severity severity, string id, uvm_action action)
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
action (uvm_action)
- set_id_verbosity(string id, int verbosity)
- Parameters:
id (string)
verbosity (int)
- set_severity_id_verbosity(uvm_severity severity, string id, int verbosity)
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
verbosity (int)
- set_default_file(UVM_FILE file)
Function- set_default_file Function- set_severity_file Function- set_id_file Function- set_severity_id_file
Internal methods called by uvm_report_object.
- Parameters:
file (UVM_FILE)
- set_severity_file(uvm_severity severity, UVM_FILE file)
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
file (UVM_FILE)
- set_id_file(string id, UVM_FILE file)
- Parameters:
id (string)
file (UVM_FILE)
- set_severity_id_file(uvm_severity severity, string id, UVM_FILE file)
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
file (UVM_FILE)
- set_severity_override(uvm_severity cur_severity, uvm_severity new_severity)
- Parameters:
cur_severity (uvm_severity)
new_severity (uvm_severity)
- set_severity_id_override(uvm_severity cur_severity, string id, uvm_severity new_severity)
- Parameters:
cur_severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
new_severity (uvm_severity)
- report(uvm_severity severity, string name, string id, string message, int verbosity_level = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0, uvm_report_object client = null)
Function- report
This is the common handler method used by the four core reporting methods (e.g., uvm_report_error) in uvm_report_object.
- Parameters:
severity (uvm_severity)
name (string)
id (string)
message (string)
verbosity_level (int)
filename (string)
line (int)
client (uvm_report_object)
- run_hooks(uvm_report_object client, uvm_severity severity, string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line)
Function- run_hooks
The run_hooks method is called if the
action is set for a report. It first calls the client's uvm_report_object::report_hook method, followed by the appropriate severity-specific hook method. If either returns 0, then the report is not processed. - Parameters:
client (uvm_report_object)
severity (uvm_severity)
id (string)
message (string)
verbosity (int)
filename (string)
line (int)
- dump_state()
Function- dump_state
Internal method for debug.
The uvm_report_handler is the class to which most methods in uvm_report_object delegate. It stores the maximum verbosity, actions, and files that affect the way reports are handled.
The report handler is not intended for direct use. See uvm_report_object for information on the UVM reporting mechanism.
The relationship between uvm_report_object (a base class for uvm_component) and uvm_report_handler is typically one to one, but it can be many to one if several uvm_report_objects are configured to use the same uvm_report_handler_object. See uvm_report_object::set_report_handler.
The relationship between uvm_report_handler and uvm_report_server is many to one.