Class uvm_pkg::uvm_root
- uvm_pkg :: uvm_void
Collaboration Diagram of uvm_root
Name |
Type |
Description |
clp |
finish_on_completion |
bit |
top_levels |
Variable top_levels This variable is a list of all of the top level components in UVM. It includes the uvm_test_top component that is created by run_test as well as any other top level components that have been instantiated anywhere in the hierarchy. |
enable_print_topology |
bit |
Variable enable_print_topology If set, then the entire testbench topology is printed just after completion of the end_of_elaboration phase. |
phase_timeout |
time |
- get()
Static accessor for uvm_root.
The static accessor is provided as a convenience wrapper around retrieving the root via the uvm_coreservice_t::get_root method.
// Using the uvm_coreservice_t: uvm_coreservice_t cs; uvm_root r; cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get(); r = cs.get_root(); // Not using the uvm_coreservice_t: uvm_root r; r = uvm_root::get();. Get
- Return type:
- get_type_name()
- die()
This method is called by the report server if a report reaches the maximum quit count or has a UVM_EXIT action associated with it, e.g., as with fatal errors.
Calls the uvm_component::pre_abort() method on the entire uvm_component hierarchy in a bottom-up fashion. It then calls uvm_report_server::report_summarize and terminates the simulation with $finish .
- set_timeout(time timeout, bit overridable = 1)
Specifies the timeout for the simulation. Default is [`UVM_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT](../../../../index-macros.html#macros)
The timeout is simply the maximum absolute simulation time allowed before a FATAL occurs. If the timeout is set to 20ns, then the simulation must end before 20ns, or a FATAL timeout will occur.
This is provided so that the user can prevent the simulation from potentially consuming too many resources (Disk, Memory, CPU, etc) when the testbench is essentially hung. Set_timeout
- Parameters:
timeout (time)
overridable (bit)
- find(string comp_match)
find. Find
- Parameters:
comp_match (string)
- Return type:
- find_all(string comp_match, uvm_component comps, uvm_component comp = null)
Returns the component handle (find) or list of components handles (find_all) matching a given string. The string may contain the wildcards, and ?. Strings beginning with '.' are absolute path names. If the optional argument comp is provided, then search begins from that component down (default=all components). Find_all
- Parameters:
comp_match (string)
comps (uvm_component)
comp (uvm_component)
- print_topology(uvm_printer printer = null)
Print the verification environment's component topology. The printer is a uvm_printer object that controls the format of the topology printout; a null printer prints with the default output. Print_topology
- Parameters:
printer (uvm_printer)
- build_phase(uvm_phase phase)
- Parameters:
phase (uvm_phase)
- report_header(UVM_FILE file = 0)
- Parameters:
file (UVM_FILE)
- phase_started(uvm_phase phase)
At end of elab phase we need to do tlm binding resolution.
- Parameters:
phase (uvm_phase)
- stop_request()
backward compat only call global_stop_request() or uvm_test_done.stop_request() instead
- end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase)
- Parameters:
phase (uvm_phase)
- run_test(string test_name = "")
Phases all components through all registered phases. If the optional test_name argument is provided, or if a command-line plusarg, +UVM_TESTNAME=TEST_NAME, is found, then the specified component is created just prior to phasing. The test may contain new verification components or the entire testbench, in which case the test and testbench can be chosen from the command line without forcing recompilation. If the global (package) variable, finish_on_completion, is set, then $finish is called after phasing completes. Run_test
- Parameters:
test_name (string)
- run_phase(uvm_phase phase)
For error checking. It is required that the run phase start at simulation time 0
TBD this looks wrong
taking advantage of uvm_root not doing anything else? TBD move to phase_started callback?
- Parameters:
phase (uvm_phase)
If set, then run_test will call $finish after all phases are executed.