How to Generate UVM Register Bitfield Diagrams in the DVT Eclipse IDE


DVT can render bitfield diagrams from UVM register configurations in tooltips and in the Inspect View.

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DVT offers the ability to render UVM register bitfield diagrams from UVM register configurations.

Viewing UVM Register Bitfield Diagrams in the Editor Tooltip

Hover over Register in the editor to see the diagram inside a tooltip. To see more details about a bitfield, move the cursor above it.

Viewing UVM Register Bitfield Diagrams in the Inspect View

When you place the editor cursor on a register, the diagram is shown in the Inspect view, along with a table presenting detailed field configuration.

Exploring UVM Registers in the UVM Browser View

All the UVM registers defined in your code are shown in the Register section of the UVM Browser view. Whenever you select a register in the UVM browser, its bitfield diagram is shown in the Inspect view.

Such integration is available in several views. For example, let's suppose we're inspecting a UVM sequence call tree. Whenever you select a node representing a reg write, the Inspect view conveniently shows the bitfields.

Saving Diagrams from the Inspect View

Right-click on the diagram in the Inspect view to save it to a file.