Scope Breadcrumb Navigation Bar in the DVT Eclipse IDE


This video shows how you can use the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar in DVT to see the current scope and easily navigate to packages, types, modules, fields, functions etc.

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The Scope Breadcrumb Navigation Bar appears horizontally on the bottom of source code editors. It shows the scope under the editor cursor, along with all its enclosing scopes.

For example, for function CollectTransactions, we see the parent class PackageAndLibrary. For the SPI_shift module instance, we see the enclosing generate block, parent module, and library.

The Scope Breadcrumb is updated automatically as you move the editor cursor through the source code.

Navigating and Viewing Scope Members

Click an element in the breadcrumb to open its definition. Click the arrow to the side of an element to see its members.

For example, from the SPI_monitor class, you can navigate to any field, method, cover group, etc. declared inside the class. Similarly, from the package arrow, you can navigate to any class or type declared inside the package.

The members preceded by the hash sign (#) are declared inside preprocessing macros. Content-filtered elements coming from the UVM library are grayed out.

Use the quick search box to filter the members list.

Toggling Breadcrumbs

Click the Toggle Breadcrumbs toolbar button to hide or show the Scope Breadcrumb. Use the drop-down arrow to choose which breadcrumb navigation bars are enabled.