Verissimo SystemVerilog Linter - How to Use Verissimo in the DVT IDE for VS Code


The Verissimo SystemVerilog Linter is a coding guideline and verification methodology compliance checker.

This video shows you how to run Verissimo from the DVT IDE for VS Code, using built-in or custom rulesets.

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This video was shot using DVT 23.1.21



Verissimo SystemVerilog Linter is a coding guideline and verification methodology compliance checker that enables engineers to perform a thorough audit of their design and verification code.

Launching a Verissimo Linting Session

To launch a Verissimo linting session from the DVT IDE for VS Code, open the Command Palette, run the Verissimo Lint Project command, and choose New Configuration.

A quick pick menu will pop up, allowing you to build your lint configuration step-by-step.

Building the Lint Configuration

First, choose the rule set and the waivers file. Optionally, you can use a baseline report for comparison and choose to automatically export the HTML report. Finally, you can save the configuration to a file in order to reuse it for future linting sessions.

The project is built, linting is performed and all the failures are shown in the Problems view and as markers on the editor gutter.

Accessing the Verissimo Menu During an Active Session

While in an active linting session, you can access the Verissimo menu by opening the Command Palette and running the Verissimo Lint Project command. Here, you can rerun the checks, generate HTML reports or rule set documentation, open the current rule set and waivers files, or close the current session.

At any later time, you can run the Verissimo Lint Project command to launch a session with this saved configuration.