Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter - HTML Report Summary Page


The HTML Report Summary Page provides an overview and navigation starting point for a Verissimo linting session.

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Verissimo HTML Report Layout

The Verissimo HTML report lets you inspect the results of a Verissimo linting session.

The report is divided into three panes:

  • Filters on the left side
  • Checks Tree in the middle
  • Main page on the right side, holding the Summary page or the Failures table

The Summary Page

The summary page presents an overview of the linting results. The top charts show the percentage and absolute number of checks and failures with their status. The bottom tables show the top failing checks and files.

Inspecting Failures

A check can have one or more failures. To inspect the failures of a check select it in the tree. The main pane will automatically switch to the failures table.

To switch between the failures table and the summary page, use the button in the upper right corner of the filters pane.