AMIQ EDA to Demonstrate Enhanced IDE Performance at DVCon U.S.

November 9, 2022, San Jose, California - AMIQ EDA, a pioneer in integrated development environments (IDEs) for hardware design and verification and a provider of platform-independent software tools for efficient code development and analysis, today announced that the company will be exhibiting at the Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) U.S. in San Jose, Calif. The AMIQ EDA team will be demonstrating and discussing key new capabilities of Design and Verification Tools (DVT) Eclipse IDE, DVT IDE for Visual Studio Code (VS Code), and Verissimo SystemVerilog Linter.

The first 2023 release of the AMIQ EDA products contains significant performance improvements to enhance the user experience. These include speed-ups in the compilation, design elaboration, and code analysis engines. Interactive performance has also been accelerated when editing, navigating, or debugging source code. In addition, the DVT IDE release provides new performance monitoring engines that guide users on how to configure the tool for the best experience. 

User navigation is also enhanced by new visualization techniques such as bit field diagrams for packed data types. Additional compilation and design elaboration checks detect more design issues at the source, long before they would be uncovered in simulation or logic synthesis. In addition, Verissimo has more than 60 new rule checks plus new capabilities for focused code analysis, including interactive linting of the current file. All these new capabilities are already available in the 23.1 release to current customers at no additional charge. 

DVCon U.S. will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose February 27-March 2, with AMIQ EDA exhibiting in Booth 110 on Tuesday, February 28, from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm and Wednesday, March 1, from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm. In addition, Andrei Vintila and Sergiu Duda from partner company AMIQ Consulting will present the paper "UVM-SV Feedback Loop – The foundation of self-improving testbenches" on Wednesday at 3:00 pm. For more information on the conference, visit


AMIQ EDA provides design and verification engineers with platform-independent software tools that enable them to increase the speed and quality of new code development, simplify debugging and legacy code maintenance, accelerate language and methodology learning, improve testbench reliability, extract automatically accurate documentation, and implement best coding practices. Its solutions, DVT Eclipse IDE, DVT IDE for VS Code, DVT Debugger, Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter, and Specador Documentation Generator have been adopted worldwide. AMIQ strives to deliver high quality solutions and customer service responsiveness. For more information about AMIQ EDA and its solutions, visit and