Cristian Ramos-Espinoza

I have been using the DVT Eclipse IDE since September 2008, version 2.0, and guess what, I'm still using it. During this time, I have requested bug fixes and enhancements, and I may say that I'm not disappointed!

As customer, their customer support have always been very good and the enhancements and bug fixes have been implemented. Just for this I would 100% recommend using DVT Eclipse, but that is just a start.

When it comes to editing and changing the code, you have access to:

  • Semantic colouring
  • Update module instantiation (very handy when changing the underlying components)
  • Code and project templates
  • Integration with code revision (clearcase, perforce and mylyn makes task focused work great!)
  • Logs from tools output with hiperlinks enabled to jump into source code (jump to warnings/errors in source code from logs :)
  • And much more...

It has a great search engine, and for browsing code, to the jump to definition, is something that you just can’t get enough! With the latest state diagram and the inspect view, makes understanding and debugging RTL a delight. With the integration of CDT and all the verification support for UVM, DVT Eclipse have you covered.

You can, more or less in an hour, for a complex project, have a complete DVT project up and running (just parse the output logs for commands for the DVT plugin and you would be amazed!)

I use DVT Eclipse plugin every day, and all this time it has given me an edge when it comes to debugging and understanding the RTL. If you are reading this, don’t hesitate! Go for it! DVT Eclipse is really good!