Sergey Dubinin

I am dealing mostly with UVM-based functional verification and using the DVT Eclipse IDE since 2015. Honestly saying, I can’t imagine myself working without this tool any more.

Once proper setup and integration into project is done, this tool immediately brings endless benefits that help to achieve development goals both faster and easier. Only couple of them I personally use on daily basis are:

  • Automated compilation
  • Automated refactoring
  • Automated hyperlinks (to classes, variables, etc.)
  • Automated fill-in proposals
  • Thorough project analysis (design / verification hierarchies, file compilation order, etc.)
  • Various diagram generations based on the environment
  • And many, many more...

All mentioned above tool benefits/features are enabling me to constantly develop and deliver “first-time-right” solutions and products way faster and with significantly less efforts than I was spending prior to start using the DVT Eclipse IDE!

Moreover, non-less important point for me is that from the very first day of tool usage I always received best-in-class support from AMIQ team and in a very short time frame!

I personally want to say the following to all tool developers: Thanks a lot for making such a professional, great, easy-to-use and simply amazing product as the DVT Eclipse IDE and for your outstanding support! Well done!