DVT Eclipse IDE Call Hierarchy View


The DVT Call Hierarchy View gives you instant insight of a function's or task's execution flow: it helps you visualize the method call tree, including fork and conditional blocks.

Simply right click on a function or task and pick Show ... Call Hierarchy View, then expand nodes to follow calls.

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The Call Hierarchy View presents the call tree of a function or task.

Accessing the Call Hierarchy View

Place the editor cursor on a method, right-click, and select Show Call Hierarchy, or simply press the Ctrl-Alt-H keyboard shortcut.

Exploring the Call Hierarchy View

The view shows method calls in the selected function or task. Expand nodes in the tree to further inspect the hierarchy. Double-click to go to the method call in the source code. Right-click on a method call and select Expand Multiple Levels.

Using Filters and Refreshing the View

In addition to method calls, the view shows fork and conditional blocks. You can use the Filters button if you wish to hide them.

To update the view after changing the source code or the view filters, simply click the Refresh toolbar button.