DVT Eclipse IDE Quick Fix Proposals - How to Update an Instance to Match Module Definition


Have you ever had to update all the instances of a module or entity whose ports list has changed?

This video shows to quickly update the affected instances using DVT.

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Let's suppose the declaration of a module in your design has changed. Some ports were removed and some new ports were added.

DVT triggers compilation problems for design instances with missing or extra port connections. A light bulb indicates that there is a Quick Fix Proposal available for such problems.

Applying the Quick Fix

Press Ctrl+1 on a problem's line, select Update Instance to Match Module Definition and press Enter.

Notice that the extra port connections have been removed and the missing ports have been added.

Editing New Signal Names

Type in the new signal names, press the Tab key to switch between the edit boxes, and press Enter when done.

Support for VHDL and Mixed Language Designs

This functionality is also available for VHDL and mixed language designs.