DVT Eclipse IDE Quick Fix Propsals - How to Implement Missing Pure Virtual Methods


DVT flags all non-virtual classes that inherit pure virtual functions and tasks for which they don't provide an implementation, and also provides a quick way to generate stubs for all missing methods.

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In SystemVerilog, all pure virtual methods must be implemented by a non-virtual class that inherits them. DVT raises an error when this doesn't happen, and also provides a quick way to generate all the missing methods.

In this example, some pure virtual functions and tasks are inherited from an extended virtual class, while others from the implemented interfaces.

Using Quick Fix Proposals to Implement Missing Methods

A light bulb indicates that Quick Fix Proposals are available.

Place the editor cursor on the error line, press Ctrl+1, choose Implement Missing Pure Virtual Methods from the list of Quick Fix Proposals and press Enter.

Note that implementation stubs are generated for all the missing methods. They contain a TODO reminder that shows up in the Tasks View.

Using Override Annotations

Override annotations on the vertical ruler allow you to quickly jump to the pure virtual method defined in the parent class or interface.