How to Automate Project Bring-up Using the DVT Eclipse IDE CLI


Get a ready-to-use DVT project with a single command using the DVT Command Line Interface.

The DVT Command Line Interface allows you to seamlessly integrate DVT in your flows. This video covers the common use-cases for project bring-up: reuse of simulator arguments, dealing with huge cluttered project layouts, connecting to the version control system.

This video was shot using DVT 21.1.6

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In DVT, you can automate project creation and configuration using the command-line interface. The script is in the bin directory of the DVT distribution.

Running the createProject Command

The mandatory arguments of the create project command are the path to the project location and the project language. In case you are working on a mixed-language project, use the -lang argument multiple times with any of the languages that DVT supports, for instance a mixed SystemVerilog and VHDL project.

The first time it's executed, the script will open the tool. Subsequently, if DVT is already running in the specified workspace, it will reuse the existing session. Note that the project is automatically created with the specified languages enabled.

Default Build File and Autoconfiguration

A default build file is generated containing a single build autoconfig directive. This directive tells DVT to scan the project and figure out what needs to be compiled. Once the build is done, the tool is ready to use.

Specifying Build Configuration from the Command Line

Optionally, we can specify the build configuration from the command line. This is done using the argument, followed by a list of compilation directives, such as top files, incdirs, defines, and so on. Be aware that all flags that come after the switch, up to the end of the command line, are considered build configuration directives.

If you already have some file lists or argument files that you pass to the simulator, you can simply reuse them. Usually, we first specify the +dvt_init compilation directive, followed by a compatibility mode, because it tells DVT how to interpret the simulator-specific arguments that follow.

Multiple Build Configurations

Of course, you can specify multiple build configurations, such as test bench only, RDL only, SoC, ABV on, etc., and also instruct the tool which one to build. In this simple example, default is just a name.

Recreating Projects Using the Force Flag

As you can see, since the project is already created, we need to use the -force flag in order to recreate the project. In case you prepared the build configuration file upfront, perhaps using a different script, just omit the flag from the CLI invocation. DVT will automatically use the existing build file.

Excluding Irrelevant Files to Improve Performance

Huge file system hierarchies under the project directory, such as regression results, generated documentation, or similar artifacts, may slow down the platform. Most of the time, such resources are not relevant within the IDE. To automatically exclude any file or directory which is not relevant for compilation, use the -include auto argument on the command line. Note that the Project Explorer now only presents directories containing compiled sources, and everything else is hidden.

You can further tune what files and directories should be available in the IDE via the -include, -exclude, and -map switches.

Connecting Your DVT Project to Version Control

The command-line interface also allows you to connect your DVT project to version control. Just make sure to use the proper CLI arguments depending on what you are using. For example, to connect it to a Git repo, add the -git option followed by the path to the Git repository.


In this video, we've only covered the basics. The DVT CLI has many more features and represents the right way to go for a seamless, reusable flow integration.