How to Enable Additional Plugins in the DVT Eclipse IDE


Eclipse plugins for common programming languages and major version control systems are bundled within the DVT KIT distribution.

This video explains how to use the dvt_kit_installer script to enable or disable any of the additional plugins.

See also:



DVT is built on top of the Eclipse platform. This allows you to use any Eclipse plugin side-by-side with DVT. Plugins for common programming languages and major version control systems integrate seamlessly with DVT and are bundled within the DVT kit distribution.

Downloading and Installing DVT

  1. Start by downloading the DVT kit distribution from The download page provides detailed installation instructions, including how to enable any of the additional plugins which are already bundled in the kit.
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive.
  3. Point the DVT_HOME environment variable to the unzipped directory.

Managing Plugins

Viewing Available Plugins

To see the list of available plugins, run:


Enabling Plugins

To enable plugins, for example Perl and Git, run:

${DVT_HOME}/bin/ install PERL GIT

Uninstalling Plugins

You can uninstall a plugin, for example Git, using:

${DVT_HOME}/bin/ uninstall GIT

Inspecting Installed Plugins

Inspect the list of installed plugins with:

${DVT_HOME}/bin/ list

Setting Permissions for Shared Installations

If this is a shared DVT installation, when done installing or removing plugins, make sure that you close the permissions such that users of DVT will not have write access in the installation directory.

Verifying Plugin Installation

Now let's start DVT and check that the Perl plugin is enabled.