How to Lint a Single File in the DVT Eclipse IDE
This video shows how Verissimo can quickly analyze only the current file when working in the DVT IDE, helping you catch issues as early as possible.
In a typical development flow, it is desirable to regularly lint the files you are editing in order to catch issues as early as possible. When working in the DVT IDE, you can significantly cut down the linting time by analyzing only the current file.
Let's take a look at how you can enable single file linting.
Enabling Single File Linting
In the Lint Configuration dialog, change the linting mode from Project to Current File. Alternatively, Verissimo can ask every time in what mode to run or simply detect from the current selection. This allows you to use the same lint configuration for both project and file linting modes.
To quickly launch linting, go to the Shortcuts tab and map the lint configuration to a keyboard shortcut or a toolbar button.
The Linting Results
The linting results are shown in the editor, as problem markers on the left-hand side and in the Problems view alongside other compilation-related issues. Let's jump to another file and lint again. Notice that lint markers of the previous file are cleared, and lint markers for the current file show up in the editor and Problems view.
Available Linting Options
All typical Verissimo flows are available in file linting mode. For example, you can reapply checks after modifying the code, either from the Lint Configurations toolbar or from the Problems view, waive failures and perform autocorrect.
To remove remaining failure markers when done, choose Clear Current File Results, either from the Verissimo toolbar menu or from the Problems view.