How to See Where a File is Included in the DVT Eclipse IDE


This video shows how to jump to where a file is included, either from the editor or from the Compile Order View.

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This video was shot using DVT 20.1.36


Finding Where a File is Included

In DVT, you can easily find out how a file got compiled. Right-click in the editor and select Show Including File. This takes you directly to the place where the file is specified for compilation, either using the `include directive or listed in a build configuration file explicitly or inside a file list included using -f.

If the file is included in multiple locations, a pop-up will display all the possible navigation options.

Browsing the Tree of File Includes

The Compile Order View also allows you to browse and visualize the tree of file includes. Right-click on a file and select Go to Include to jump to the include location.